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Jacques Halbronn 06 09 14 Le Talmud et les Protocoles des Sages de Sion; le regard juif – Video

| October 7, 2014

Jacques Halbronn 06 09 14 Le Talmud et les Protocoles des Sages de Sion; le regard juif des interviews, des causeries, des colloques autour de l'astrologie, des femmes, des cycles. By: HALBRONN JACQUES ASTROLOGIE

Rav A. Somekh – Talmud Kiddushin 02 – Video

| October 7, 2014

Rav A. Somekh - Talmud Kiddushin 02 Corso di Talmud 5775 - Trattato di Kiddushn, Primo Capitolo - Seconda lezione. Pag.

Text of an e-mail from Rabbi Gil Steinlauf

| October 7, 2014

October 6 (Related story: In a D.C.

Synagogue of Jerusalem 1844 explained – Video

| October 7, 2014

Synagogue of Jerusalem 1844 explained Synagogue of Jerusalem 1844 explained. By: Bob Demetro

Rabbi at conservative D.C. synagogue comes out as gay

| October 7, 2014

The leader of the Districts largest conservative synagogue has come out as a gay man. Senior Rabbi Gil Steinlauf informed members of Adas Israel Congregation that after years and with the help of his wife, Batya, he came to understand that I could walk my path with the greatest strength, with the greatest peace in my heart, with the greatest healing and wholeness, when I finally acknowledged that I am a gay man. In his email, Rabbi Steinlauf said that despite growing up with a difference I recognized in myself, it did not define who he was, and so he married a woman

Leave TB Joshua alone

| October 7, 2014

Religion of Wednesday, 8 October 2014 Source: Sunny Ikhioya By Sunny Ikhioya I HAVE followed the series of reactions trailing the disaster at the Synagogue Church of all Nations with a sense of shock and disbelief.

Japanese photographer showcases Hasidim of Crown Heights

| October 7, 2014

SHE WENT from being a stranger with a camera to a household staple. Japanese photojournalist Chie Nishio, 84, spent much of the 1990s visiting Hasidic Jews in Crown Heights, snapping intimate shots from the tight-knit communitys weddings, family dinners and parties.

European Day of Jewish Culture 2014 Belgrade – B’nai B’rith Lodge Serbia – Video

| October 7, 2014

European Day of Jewish Culture 2014 Belgrade - B'nai B'rith Lodge Serbia Concert - Belgrade - The Hall of the Kolarac Foundation. By: Branko Snap

How The Jews Use Media To Deform Historical Events – Video

| October 7, 2014

How The Jews Use Media To Deform Historical Events I have never been so upset by a poll in my life.

Anti-Defamation League (ADF) Exposed – Video

| October 7, 2014

Anti-Defamation League (ADF) Exposed By: Young Philosopher

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