The Life and Times of Lucille and Leo Frank | Atlanta History Center
admin | November 20, 2023
Lucille Selig was born in Atlanta in 1888 to a prominent Jewish family.
admin | November 20, 2023
Lucille Selig was born in Atlanta in 1888 to a prominent Jewish family.
admin | September 30, 2023
A Jewish Civil Rights Icon Frames a Black Man for Murder The racial history of Georgia is fraught with blood-curdling violence and the utter extremes of white supremacy. Native genocide, African slavery, sharecropping, Jim Crow, lynching, KKK terrorism, and state-sponsored oppression were not only practiced therethey are at the existential root of Georgia itself. Black people can safely say the state mottoWisdom, Justice, Moderationis hypocrisy.
admin | August 3, 2023
George Grantham Bain Collection/Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (reproduction no. LC-DIG-ggbain-13934) August 17 marks the 100th anniversary of the lynching of Leo Frank, an event that spurred both the formation of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).
admin | July 14, 2023
Leo Frank on trial in August 1913 Photograph by Atlanta Journal-Constitution/AP Images In early May, Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard announced that he will reopen one of the most notorious criminal proceedings in American history: the trial of National Pencil Company superintendent Leo M.
admin | April 8, 2023
In 1913, Leo Frank was found guilty of killing 13-year-old Mary Phagan, even though no physical evidence linked him to the crime. Two years later, a mob lynched him for it. On August 17, 1915, a Georgia mob lynched Leo Frank, a Jewish man convicted of murder whose death sentence had just been commuted to life in prison by the governor
admin | April 8, 2023
In 1913, Leo Frank was convicted of murdering Mary Phagan, a 13-year-old employee of the Atlanta pencil factory that Frank managed.
admin | April 8, 2023
On Tuesday, April 11 the first day of the Jewish holiday of Passover White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer asserted that Syrian President Bashar al-Asad was guilty of worse acts than Hitler when he used sarin gas on civilians. Spicer said, someone as despicable as Hitlerdidnt even sink to using chemical weapons on his people. The Nazis, as facts have shown, used Poison Zyclon B gas starting in 1939 on Germanys mentally ill and physically disabled populations.
admin | April 8, 2023
Image by Forward Photo By Paul BergerAugust 20, 2015 Its a simple gravestone, a small, ground-level marker identical to the four stones beside it.
admin | April 7, 2023
The Murder of Mary Phagan Mary Phagan was on her way to Atlantas Confederate Memorial Day parade on April 26, 1913 when she stopped in at the National Pencil Company to collect her paycheck$1.20 for her 10-cents-an-hour work. The next day, the girls body was discovered in the factorys basement
admin | April 7, 2023
Prelude to Leo Franks August 18, 1913, Trial Testimony A large body of peer-reviewed research published by modern psychologists, behavioral scientists, and police interrogators suggests macro and micro body language, demeanor, eye contact, speech patterns, and numerous other outward physical manifestations, known in slang as tells, can reveal much about a suspect beneath their surface. Everything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law