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Hasidic Nonprofit In Crown Heights Busted For Running Illegal Hotel – Forward

| August 23, 2017

An Hasidic charity whose stated mission is to help the impoverished has been operating an illegal hotel in Brooklyn and charging up to $300 a night.

Fleischmanns Hasidic hotel owners in feud with residents –

| August 23, 2017

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‘Time for a joint haredi list’ – Arutz Sheva

| August 23, 2017

Haredi unity? Ministers Litzman and Deri FLASH90 Debates within the United Torah Judaism party over the division of power and mutual recriminations over the poor performance of haredi factions in the 2015 election continued last week, as representatives of Shas and UTJ discussed the future of haredi politics at a gathering in Yeshivat Ohr Yisrael in Netanya.

For Jews Of Color, Charlottesville Is Personal – Jewish Week

| August 23, 2017

When Elle Wisnicki, the 22-year-old daughter of a black mother and Ashkenazi Jewish father, scrolled through pictures of men holding tiki torches and waving Nazi flags in Charlottesville, Va., last week, she felt as though her grandparents were by her side. The granddaughter of a Holocaust survivor on her fathers side and only three generations away from American slavery on her mothers, last weeks convergence of several hundred far-right extremists some wearing white hoods and carrying Confederate flags, others in polo shirts with swastika-emblazoned armbands caused her to feel the weight of both my identities. Everything I represent was under attack, said the recent college graduate, now working for a health-care consulting firm

Heath: Reflections on an American tragedy – Santa Clarita Valley Signal

| August 23, 2017

Imagine for a moment if after the Nazi holocaust, Germany passed segregation legislation, circumscribing where Jewish survivors could live, work, eat and play.

Hillel International selects UCF student – Heritage Florida Jewish News

| August 23, 2017

Alexa Goldstein UCF student Alexa Goldstein (Class of 2019) was chosen to be one of only 17 members of the second cohort of the Hillel International Student Cabinet. "We are so proud of Lexi for being selected for this honor," stated Aaron Weil, executive director and CEO of Central Florida Hillel. "Hillel International only selects 17 students from around the world and this is the first time a student from UCF has been selected for this honor.

Anti-Defamation League head says violent alt-left is a …

| August 23, 2017

CEO and National Director of the Anti-Defamation League Jonathan Greenblatt (Screen capture) Jonathan Greenblatt CEO and National Director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) told MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts on Sunday that the idea of a violent alt-left is a right-wing myth and that there is no equivalency between the violent hate groups of the right and the people who resist them. In response to President Donald Trumps assertion that there are fine people on both sides of the neo-Nazi question, Greenblatt said, There are no fine people among the ranks of Nazis

Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists in Charlottesville Brought Millions to Anti-Defamation League – The Jewish Press –

| August 23, 2017

Photo Credit: Sasha Kimel / Wikimedia Commons The insistence by U.S. President Donald Trump last week that his response to last weeks violence in Charlottesville remind Americans there were very fine people among all camps that were present including the neo-Nazis, white supremacists and antifa agitators who were there prompted an outpouring of support for the New York-based Anti-Defamation League (ADL) from some of the most prominent corporate executives in the United States. James Murdoch, CEO of 21st Century Fox and the son of media mogul Rupert Murdoch, announced this week that he and his wife Kathryn will donate $1 million to the ADL, which he called an extraordinary force for vigilance and strength in the face of bigotry

Sorry, Richard Spencer: Comparing Zionism to White Nationalism Is … – Forward

| August 22, 2017

Richard Spencer, the prominent alt-right white supremacist, recently described himself to an Israeli TV interviewer as a white Zionist.

Why This Druze Israeli Identifies As A Zionist – Forward

| August 22, 2017

Identifying himself as a white Zionist, alt-right figure Richard Spencer recently told Israeli television, I want us to have a secure homeland for us and ourselves, just like you want a secure homeland in Israel. Spencers statement ignited debate over the nature of Israel and whether its framework as a Jewish state parallels the goals of white nationalists like Spencer. The Forward interviewed Reda Mansour, a Druze Israeli diplomat who has served as Israels ambassador to Brazil and Ecuador

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