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What Will Happen to The Trump Toadies? – New York Magazine

| January 14, 2020

This article was featured in One Great Story, New Yorks reading recommendation newsletter. Sign up here to get it nightly. Irony, declared dead after 9/11, is alive and kicking in Trumps America

India and Israel should develop options in tech industry – The Jerusalem Post

| January 14, 2020

Computer technology, one of the most dominant technologies of our times, is becoming faster, cheaper, smaller, more effective and more accessible with each passing year. To manage the dark side of these technologies and to balance their interventions in the entire ecosystem, a lot is going on in the cybertech space too.But at a time when digital and social media apps are becoming the new motivation tools of violent protests, apparently fueling those activities that cause severe damage to public property and life, providing influential virtual platforms to terrorist/radical elements, when shutting down the Internet has become the crucial measure to prevent violent escalation of an issue, and when the right to Internet or right to tweet/WhatsApp have become the new slogans of communist/Marxist marches, can we afford to see technology from purely technical and scientific perspectives anymore?The shift in the purpose of digital technologies from problem-solver to problem-creator to problem-accelerator, and its growing capability to impact overall social behavior and psychology, are a matter of concern. Instead of providing the vehicles of effective governance and human creativity, these social and digital tools are now becoming the new version of psychological weapons.

Georgia Southern begins new semester with inclusivity in mind – WJCL News

| January 14, 2020

As Georgia Southern starts a new semester, the school is still recovering from two racially charged incidents late last year.The most recent one was a student giving a presentation about a white supremacist theory in class. The white nationalist thing- people's safety was kind of like shocked at that point for someone voicing that in such a public place, said student Elise Wells

Organizers Hope This Gun Rally To Become The Next Charlottesville – The Dogwood

| January 14, 2020

Tens of thousands could gather in Richmond to oppose any new gun safety laws.

Opinion | 10 Days in the Heroic Little Nation of Israel – University of Pittsburgh The Pitt News

| January 14, 2020

The sun sets on the hills of the Old City of Jerusalem as we are greeted with the singing of Am Yisrael Chai and the blowing of the shofar.

LETTER: Anti-Semitism and bigotry is once again on rise –

| January 14, 2020

The Standard-Times verifies and reviews all letters to the editor we receive. The letters represent the views of the letter writers, not those of The Standard-Times. With the recent attack on Jews in Monsey, New York we have one more piece of evidence illustrating the growing hatred for Jews in the United States and the world.

Trump says he stands with Iran protesters, but banned them from the US – Business Insider

| January 14, 2020

Less than two weeks after threatening to potentially commit a war crime by bombing Iranian "culture sites," President Donald Trump is portraying himself as a fierce defender of ordinary Iranians.

Stabbings, shootings, assaults weigh on US Jewish youth –

| January 14, 2020

NEW YORK (AP) When a man spewed anti-Semitic slurs and spat on her face, Shoshana Blum remembered her ancestors who survived the Holocaust, and instead of looking down she defiantly stared at him eye to eye.

On Spotify, hate streams unchecked as playlists praise Hitler, call to gas Jews – The Times of Israel

| January 14, 2020

Music-streaming giant Spotify is host to dozens of user-generated playlists with titles praising Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler, mocking Holocaust victims, and featuring photos of swastikas and white nationalist hate symbols, The Times of Israel has found. Among the anti-Semitic playlist titles are a variety of explicit calls to gas or kill Jews (Gas the Jews music; Jews gas chamber;Straight gas BURN THE JEWS; Gas Jews;Kill the Jews;GasOnThemJ3ws; burn the Jews), as well as Holocaust denial (The Holocaust was an exaggerated game of hide and seek; The Holocaust was a joke;Rocking the soccks [sic] off holocaust victims; Just found out the Holocaust was fake).

THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK Comes to Main Street Theater – Broadway World

| January 14, 2020

Main Street Theater (MST) is presenting the timely classic, The Diary of Anne Frank based on the iconic book.

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