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Aliyah: Living the Zionist Dream, Building the Modern State – The Jewish Press –

| August 16, 2020

Photo Credit: Yehuda Haim/Flash90 {Reposted from the JNS website} When I met Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) founder and presidentSarah Sternin late 2019, I had my aliyah visa in hand and was the verge of completing a lifelong Zionists dream of returning to the Jewish home. I had started my career with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and later took a job with the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology to recruit young engineers to Israel.

Aliyah: Living the Zionist Dream and Building the Modern State – Algemeiner

| August 16, 2020

A small number of Jewish worshipers pray during the priestly blessing, a traditional prayer which usually attracts thousands of worshipers at the Western Wall on the holiday of Passover, amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, in Jerusalems Old City, April 12, 2020. Photo: Reuters / Ronen Zvulun. When I met Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) founder and presidentSarah Sternin late 2019, I had my aliyah visa in hand and was on the verge of completing a lifelong Zionists dream of returning to the Jewish home

What if there was no occupation? The anti-Zionists of the 1950s Provide the Answer – The Jewish Press –

| August 16, 2020

Photo Credit: {Reposted from the Elder of Ziyon website} Laura Adkins writes on Twitter, The most wild thing about the @Sethrogen controversy, to me, is not that his remarks were stripped of context or that everyones jumping to make his words fit their own narratives (those are par for the course.) Whats wild is that the organized Jewish community spends tens of millions trying to reach Jews like [Seth] Rogen (liberal, unaffiliated, under 40, no kids, upwardly mobile) who hold generally similar views about Judaism and Israel. And yet, hes been widely vilified. Quite a recruitment strategy! She has a point, and a discussion on how to reach out to Jews who dont know the first thing about the reality of Israel (or Judaism) is one that needs to happen

Museums, still in limbo, plan reopenings – The Real Deal

| August 16, 2020

The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the American Museum of Natural History have set reopening dates for this month or next (Getty) New York Citys museums have been in limbo since the state excluded indoor cultural activities from Phase 4 of reopening. But several have gone ahead and set tentative reopening dates already.

Why was the Diaspora missing from my Hebrew school education? – The Jewish News of Northern California

| August 16, 2020

I received what I believe to be an average Jewish American Conservative synagogue education. I attended Jewish preschool, the full run of weekly, then biweekly Hebrew school, and completed Hebrew high school all the way through the rabbis confirmation class.

FM Dendias in Israel on Thursday; to Meet with Netanyahu and Ashkenazi – The National Herald

| August 16, 2020

JERUSALEM-- The strong ties between Greece and Israel and the continuously enhancing strategic partnership relation, were reaffirmed at Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias meeting with his Israeli counterpart Gabi Ashkenazi in Jerusalem on Thursday. "Welcome to Israel my good friend, Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs @NikosDendias

Left-wing activists call for boycott of Anti-Defamation League – Forward

| August 14, 2020

Left-wing activist groups are promoting a campaign called Drop the ADL in a bid to get progressive institutions to cut ties with the 107-year-old Jewish advocacy organization. Even though the ADL is integrated into community work on a range of issues, it has a history and ongoing pattern of attacking social justice movements led by communities of color, queer people, immigrants, Muslims, Arabs, and other marginalized groups, while aligning itself with police, right-wing leaders, perpetrators of state violence, the groups wrote in an open letter. More disturbing, it has often conducted those attacks under the banner of civil rights.

EYE ON ILLINOIS: Be wary of anyone claiming belief in outlandish Q conspiracy theory – The Herald-News

| August 14, 2020

Watch what you tweet always. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Georgia, won her 14th Congressional District primary Tuesday, becoming a virtual lock to win in November. On top of anti-Muslim rhetoric and pro-gun ads deemed too provocative for Facebook, Greene also is a QAnon acolyte

Facebook announces new policy combating anti-Jewish stereotypes – The Jewish News of Northern California

| August 14, 2020

Facebook announced that it would ban posts about Jews controlling the world among several other efforts to combat hate speech. Theannouncementcomes following a monthlongboycott of advertising on Facebook spearheaded by a coalition of civil rights groups led by the Anti-Defamation League and the NAACP

Cincinnati Police Officer Sues Over Being ‘Portrayed As A White Supremacist’ – WVXU

| August 14, 2020

A Cincinnati police officer filed a lawsuit against four people, alleging their social media posts and complaints to the Citizens Complaint Authority falsely portrayed him as a racist and white supremacist after he made the "OK" gesture in public at City Hall. The suit, filed July 22 in Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas, says police officer M.R.

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