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Synagogues exit pandemic with reflection, determination and hope for the future – Ynetnews

| September 29, 2022

The COVID pandemic is over, at least according to U.S. President Joe Biden in his recent declaration. But the past two and a half years have been a time of personal and professional struggle for many, including synagogues where those two worlds more often than not collide.

For the Sin We Have Sinned by Making People Feel Unwelcome at Synagogues – Jewish Exponent

| September 29, 2022

Jeff Rubin By Jeff Rubin I have been shocked lately by the number of my friends who have left synagogues because of a pattern of unkind remarks from rabbinic and volunteer leaders. A Jew-by-choice belittled

The tragedy of Jews who can’t stand with Israel –

| September 29, 2022

(September 29, 2022 / JNS) We stand with Israel. That is the sign in front of my Conservative synagogue and many other synagogues. What could be less controversial

Fellowship in Their Golden Years – International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

| September 29, 2022

The Fellowship | September 28, 2022(Photo: FJC/Victor Adjamsky) Rain or shine, through the bitter Eastern European cold and snow, for decades Issac walked through the streets to synagogue early each morning.

Aurora rabbi joins other faith leaders in call for peace and progress – Daily Herald

| September 29, 2022

In advance of Rosh Hashanah, the leader of Aurora's only Jewish synagogue joined with other faith leaders to unite for peace and progress in the state's second-largest city. "Bless us all together with peace and well-being," said Rabbi Edward Friedman of Temple B'Nai Israel as he led an InterFaith Unity Prayer joined by leaders of other faiths.

Jews on the move: The geographic dimension of Jewish survival in North America – eJewish Philanthropy

| September 29, 2022

Throughout history, Jews have been a people on the move, from the nomadic Abraham and Sarah to Moses wandering in the desert, to the massive relocations of the modern era often spurred by antisemitic violence and poverty. This last contributed significantly to the creation of the two Jewish population mega-centers that exist today: Israel, an intentionally created Jewish state, and the United States, where Jews constitute an accepted and respected minority.

The Jewish word that no one uses anymore – Religion News Service

| September 29, 2022

(RNS) There is a Yiddish word that our grandparents used that has fallen out of use.The word is shanda shame. Some would say: Good riddance. For several generations, the idea and living reality of shandaserved as fuel in our personal and communal Jewish engines

Jewish students fight hate in the High Holy Days with education – KPBS

| September 29, 2022

The Jewish community across San Diego County continue to celebrate High Holy Days. This week marks Rosh Hashanah, the New Year 5783 on the Jewish calendar

Kandinsky painting returned to Jewish family as Netherlands shifts approach to looted art – St. Louis Jewish Light

| September 29, 2022

(JTA) A Dutch committee charged with assessing and acting on claims about artwork stolen from Jews before and during the Holocaust has determined that a painting by Wassily Kandinsky should be returned to the family of the Jewish woman who likely owned it prior to the Holocaust.

Alarming letter referencing Nazis delivered to Staten Island Jewish man on Rosh Hashana –

| September 29, 2022

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. A Jewish man from Staten Island expressed outrage after an individual put a flyer referencing Nazis in his mailbox during the Jewish New Year holiday, Rosh Hashana. Charlie Greinsky of Dongan Hills told the Advance/ that he received the disturbing flyer on Monday

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