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When Asked Who He Asks Questions To, NYC Mayor Eric Adams Answers "The Grand Rabbi of Lubavitch" –

| March 21, 2024

Eric Adams is the Mayor of New York City, with a background in the NYPD, focusing on safety, education, and health. In this episode of Living Lchaim, he discusses his upbringing, career, October 7th, antisemitism, and the Jewish communitys ties with NYC. He also fields some interesting questions and gives a very Lubavitch answer

Relaunch of municipal rabbi bill piques tensions in wartime coalition – The Times of Israel

| March 21, 2024

The planned reintroduction of a bill funding appointments of new municipal rabbis is ratcheting up tensions in the wartime coalition headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Erstwhile partners Benny Gantz and Gideon Saar both object to the planned relaunch of the bill from 2023, which was stalled by the war, to appoint hundreds of new city rabbis at a cost of tens of millions of shekels annually, representatives of their parties say. Zeev Elkin, a member of Gideon Saars New Hope party, has informed coalition whip Ofir Katz of Netanyahus Likud party of the objection, citing an agreement signed by all coalition members to refrain from advancing any legislation without the pre-approval of all coalition parties, Makor Rishon reports

Arsonist With Kill Rabbi Tattoo Sentenced to Decades in Prison for Burning Rabbis Home – VINNews

| March 21, 2024

(New York Jewish Week) An arsonist with a tattoo reading KILL Rabbi Max was sentenced to decades in prison for setting fire to a rabbis home in 2019. Subscribe to our Daily Roundup Email Matthew Karelefsky, 46, was convicted last month of charges including attempted murder, arson and assault for the crime in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Midwood. On Monday, he received a sentence in Brooklyn Supreme Court of 25 years to life in prison

Where would the Haredi mass exodus go to? – The Jerusalem Post

| March 21, 2024

Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, the chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel, recently threatened a mass exodus of the ultra-Orthodox community if any of its members were conscripted. For those who dont know the inner workings of the Israeli Defense Forces, it mandates two to three years of army service for all 18-year-olds. This has been the reality almost since the birth of the country.

Kahana urges municipal heads to appoint local rabbis while they still have the chance – The Times of Israel

| March 21, 2024

Following the postponement of a controversial coalition bill reducing local governments influence over the appointment of municipal rabbis, former Religious Services Minister Matan Kahana (National Unity) urges cities without a rabbi to hurry up and appoint one while they still retain control over the process. You still have the opportunity to appoint a rabbi under the existing regulations who is suitable for your city, but if you delay, it is very possible that the political alliance between [Finance Minister Bezalel] Smotrich and the ultra-Orthodox parties will bring back the law they tried to pass today, and then they will decide for you who will be your rabbi, over your heads, Kahana says in a video message to the heads of nearly 40 local authorities posted social media.

Former Brooklyn resident gets 25 years for attempted murder, arson after setting fire to Rabbi’s home – 1010 WINS

| March 21, 2024

NEW YORK (1010 WINS/WCBS 880) -- A 46-year-old man was sentenced to 25 years for intentionally setting fire to the home of a Brooklyn rabbi in 2019, District Attorney Eric Gonzalez announced on Monday. Matthew Karelefsky, a former Brooklyn resident, was convicted of first-degree attempted murder, second-degree arson,six counts of second-degree assault, and two counts of fourth-degree arson on Feb

RABBI DAVID YOSEF: Charedim Should Refrain from Public Purim Celebrations to Avoid Chillul Hashem – VINNews

| March 21, 2024

ISRAEL (VINnews) Rabbi David Yosef, a leading Sefardi Rav, says that this Purim, due to the war, people should refrain from public celebrations. He said that while people should celebrate privately, public celebrations would convey an appearance that those who are celebrating are not feeling the pain of people who are suffering, and it would thus create a chilul Hashem

Great Neck recalls Rabbi Wolf on 20th yahrzeit – The Jewish Star

| March 21, 2024

By Paul E. Brody, MD The 13th of Adar, erev Purim, marks the 20th yahrzeit of our dear Rabbi Dr.

Dennis Prager and Ben Shapiro Defend Antisemite Candace Owens – The Times of Israel

| March 21, 2024

Before I address the epic battle Ive had with Americas foremost female antisemite, Candace Owens, over the last few week, first let me share a story. Every Friday night, we host guests at our Shabbat table and I challenge them with questions. Last weeks was this.

Happy horses (part 2/2) | Reuven Chaim Klein | The Blogs – The Times of Israel

| March 21, 2024

Towards the end of the Story of Purim, the Persian king Achashverosh overturned his awful decree against the Jews, sending out messages throughout his kingdom to announce that the Jews had permission to fight back against their enemies. As the Bible reports, and he sent scrolls in the hands of the runners withsusim, the riders of therechesh, theachashtranim, sons of theremachim (Est

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