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ADL, religious leaders call on Tillerson to appoint anti-Semitism envoy – The Times of Israel

| June 28, 2017

WASHINGTON The Anti-Defamation League, with the support of religious leaders of various faiths, urged Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to appoint a special envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism. The letter sent Wednesday asks Tillerson to refill the position, which has been empty since the end of Ira Formans term five months ago. Two dozen faith leaders, representing Catholics, Muslims, Protestants, Hindus, Sikhs and Jews, signed the letter.

Boston’s Holocaust Memorial vandalized; suspect in custody: police – CBS News

| June 28, 2017

Boston's Holocaust Memorial was damaged overnight. CBS Boston/Ben Parker Last Updated Jun 28, 2017 5:49 PM EDT BOSTON --A vandal used a rock to shatter a glass panel on the New England Holocaust Memorial early Wednesday, drawing quick condemnation from Boston Mayor Marty Walsh and religious groups. "As a city we stand with the Jewish community," Walsh said at the memorial later in the morning.

Jewish groups criticize Supreme Court travel ban decision – The Jerusalem Post

| June 27, 2017

The Anti-Defamation League expressed mixed feelings in regards to the state of US President Donald Trump's Middle East travel ban. The Supreme Court on Monday lifted the injunction from Trump's travel ban while making sure the ban will not effect people who are able to prove ties to American institutions or US citizens.

Anti-Defamation League Disappointed By Supreme Court Decision That Weakens Wall Between Church and State – eNews Park Forest

| June 27, 2017

HomeAnalysisAnti-Defamation League Disappointed By Supreme Court Decision That Weakens Wall Between Church and State June 26, 2017 Press Analysis, Commentary New York, NY(ENEWSPF)June 26, 2017. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today expressed disappointment with the U.S. Supreme Courts decision in Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia v.

ADL Demands Apology From Chicago LGBT March That Ejected Jewish Participants –

| June 27, 2017

The Anti-Defamation League on Monday demanded an apology from organizers of an LGBT march in Chicago that askedJewish participants to leave because they carried a rainbow flag superimposed with a Star of David. The incident was described by Laurel Grauer, an official with the group A Wider Bridge, which connects LGBT Jews in the United States with their counterparts in Israel, who was one of the individuals ejected from the Dyke March on Saturday. Grauer said she had participated in theDyke Marchfor 10 years and always carried with her a rainbow flag, a widely-recognized symbol of LGBT pride, emblazoned with a Star of David,which is closely associated with Judaism and the Jewish community.

ADL furniture chapter honors Epperson, Hall, Wanek – Furniture Today

| June 27, 2017

NEW YORK The National Home Furnishings Industrys chapter of the Anti-Defamation League, the fundraising leader among all ADL groups raised more than $800,000 at its annual dinner here earlier this month.

Anti-Defamation League ‘deeply troubled’ by alt-right rallies – Washington Examiner

| June 26, 2017

The Anti-Defamation League, the nation's most prominent advocate against anti-Semitism, said it was 'deeply troubled' by rallies staged near in Washington D.C., Sunday by so-called "alt-right" groups. The ADL argued the events were helping to bring white supremacist beliefs into the mainstream. "White supremacy and hate, and those who exist in that orbit, need to be rejected

ADL urges hate crime probe in Virginia killing of Muslim girl – Jewish Telegraphic Agency

| June 25, 2017

WASHINGTON (JTA) The Anti-Defamation League called onauthorities to probe the slaying of a Muslim girl in suburban Virginia as a hate crime. We urge the Fairfax County Police Department to investigate the murder as a possible bias crime, Doron Ezickson, the ADLs Washington, D.C., director, said in a statement Monday. ADL has communicated that to law enforcement and we have reached out to ADAMS to offer any assistance.

APS Superintendent Honored By Anti-Defamation League –

| June 23, 2017 APS Superintendent Honored By Anti-Defamation League ATLANTA, GA -- The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Southeast Region honor the leader of Atlanta Public Schools on Thursday for the district's success in implementing an anti-bullying initiative.

Atlanta Public Schools, Carstarphen honored by ADL –

| June 23, 2017

The Anti-Defamation Leagues Southeast region awarded its Stuart Lewengrub Torch of Liberty Award to Atlanta Public Schools and its superintendent, Meria J. Carstarphen, at the annual Torch of Liberty Corporate Breakfast June 22 at 103 West in Buckhead.

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