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The Family Purity ‘Scandal’ in Israel: An Open Letter to Guy Pines – The Jewish Press –

| July 12, 2022

Shalom Guy, allow me to introduce myself. I am a qualified Rabbanit/Rebbetzin who has been teaching Hilchot Niddah, the laws of Taharat HaMishpacha/Family Purity, for the past three decades. I have taught countless brides before their weddings and accompanied them to the Mikveh.

The Beautiful Power of the Golden Rule – Patheos

| July 12, 2022

It is no doubt one of the most famous teachings of Jesus Christ.

Love and Absurdity – Ponder, Philosophy –

| July 12, 2022

To Albert Camus, a hero is someone who can accept the bleak meaninglessness of life and press forward nonetheless. Is there no better option? "The human spirit is absurd

A fight for the right to poverty and ignorance – The Times of Israel

| July 12, 2022

The ultra-Orthodox leadership has found an old-new enemy: the state-Haredi education system. Last week, United Torah Judaism MK Moshe Gafni said: There will be no such thing as state-Haredi education. Rabbi Gershon Edelstein, leader of the Lithuanian ultra-Orthodox public, went him one better by asserting that those who teach in state-Haredi schools lose their place in the world to come

Faith: A dream of heaven reminds to live life with love – Austin American-Statesman

| July 10, 2022

By Walt Shelton| Special to the American-Statesman I had a vivid, anthropomorphic dream about heaven last night. I died in my sleep and immediately experienced the luminosity of heaven, which is my hope and expectation. Although beset with imagery of St

Earliest depictions of biblical Deborah, Yael found at 5th-century Galilee synagogue – The Times of Israel

| July 10, 2022

Archeologists working at a dig in the Galilean town of Huqoq have uncovered the earliest known depictions of the biblical heroines Deborah and Yael, in mosaics that are thought to be nearly 1,600 years old.

Napa Valley’s OneHope is latest entry into kosher wine market J. – The Jewish News of Northern California

| July 10, 2022

Napa Valley is known as the No. 1 wine region in the United States, but its not exactly famous for its kosher wine. It used to be that the only game in town was Hagafen, which opened in 1979

The God Squad: The righteous of all nations have a share in the World to Come – Walla Walla Union-Bulletin

| July 10, 2022

Q: A member of my family believes that people that do not believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior will be denied eternal life and final salvation. I do not agree with this way of thinking since I was raised to respect other religions, choosing instead to accept and respect people that do not share my beliefs.

Yom Kippur: History & Overview – Jewish Virtual Library

| July 4, 2022

IntroductionOriginsLiturgy Yom Kippur is one of the most important holidays of the Jewish year. Many Jews who do not observe any other Jewish custom will refrain from work, fast and/or attend synagogue services on this day

The rise of the anti-Zionist Jews and heretical messianism –

| July 4, 2022

(July 4, 2022 / JNS) Anyone involved in the discourse on Israel and Zionism is aware of the fact that the words as a Jew always presage something distinctly monstrous. As a Jew is inevitably followed by ferocious denunciations of Israel, Zionism, the Israel lobby, the pro-Israel American Jewish majority and more or less everything elseexcept, of course, for hardline Palestinian nationalists, left-wing anti-Semites and Muslim pogromists

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