Rothschilds Zionism War Crimes, Murder, against Jews, Ungodly Crimes Against Humanity – Video

| July 7, 2013

Rothschilds Zionism War Crimes, Murder, against Jews, Ungodly Crimes Against Humanity By: larry stepland

Salvations 30 People From India, Pakistan, Israel, Iran, UAB – Video

| July 7, 2013

Salvations 30 People From India, Pakistan, Israel, Iran, UAB 30 New Salvations from around the world has just been reported to Pastor Paul Begley from England correspondence

why is there war in Israel and Gaza? – Video

| July 7, 2013

why is there war in Israel and Gaza? This video looks at the source of the ongoing war between Israel and Gaza and the main obstacles preventing peace

Dr. Norman Ali Khalaf on Palestine TV. 07.07.2013 – Video

| July 7, 2013

Dr. Norman Ali Khalaf on Palestine TV. 07.07.2013 By: Dr.Sc.

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