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| July 8, 2013

MEU ISRAEL VANILDA BORDIERI (CORE) 14 Congresso do Circulo de Oracao Rocha Eterna CATEDRAL ADMI - Congregao Vl Prado OBS: Este louvor esta com a adaptao do Tema "Seca-se a erva, e cai a fl... By: Talitta Lopes

Haredi military draft: Israel moves toward law requiring ultra-Orthodox to serve in military – Video

| July 8, 2013

Haredi military draft: Israel moves toward law requiring ultra-Orthodox to serve in military Israel's cabinet has approved a controversial draft law that will require members of the ultra-Orthodox community to serve in the military, infuriating Israe... By: JewishNewsOne

Rabbi Israel explain the different between the practice of Judaism

| July 8, 2013

Rabbi Israel explain the different between the practice of Judaism ZIONISM - AllSeeingEyeJesuit These video its not belong to me it belong to Noregea i am just trying to help them spreading the video to others. I had ask permission to upload the vide..

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