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Why I hope my mixed-race son doesn't stay 'white'

| November 20, 2014

parenting Alina Adams TODAY contributor 13 hours ago Last month on, a white father wrote that he hopes his biracial son will stay light-skinned and pass as white. The post went viral and triggered such an outcry that he followed it up with 7 Things I Can Do That My Black Son Cant. As the white mother of three biracial African-American children, I can understand his fears about racism.

Anne Frank Final project – Video

| November 20, 2014

Anne Frank Final project This video is about Anne Frank Final project.

Montpellier BDS France 34, Montpellier: Baptme de la Place de GAZA – Video

| November 20, 2014

Montpellier BDS France 34, Montpellier: Baptme de la Place de GAZA Dans le cadre de la campagne pour la suspension du jumelage de Montpellier avec la ville isralienne de Tibriade, le Comit BDS France 34 a dbaptis et rebaptis la place de Tibriade... By: Jos Luis Moragues

One Land, Two States: Israel and Palestine as Parallel States – Video

| November 20, 2014

One Land, Two States: Israel and Palestine as Parallel States Mathias Mossberg presents "One Land, Two States: Israel and Palestine as Parallel States," a new book that imagines a solution for a long-standing and seemingly intractable conflict. By: EastWest Institute

Coming to America, Returning to Judaism – Video

| November 20, 2014

Coming to America, Returning to Judaism Beatrice Garrard, summer 2013 Steiner student, recounts her family's history, addressing the pogroms in Odessa, child labor in New York, tragedy in World War II, and her own search to reconnect...

The cognitive elite of jewish history Gilad Atzmond conference – Video

| November 20, 2014

The cognitive elite of jewish history Gilad Atzmond conference extract of Gilad Atzmond conference. By: Virjl CZar

PA Governor of Qalqilya, West Bank, Vows Not to Relinquish the Right of Return – Video

| November 20, 2014

PA Governor of Qalqilya, West Bank, Vows Not to Relinquish the Right of Return 3824 - PA Governor of Qalqilya, West Bank, Vows Not to Relinquish the Right of Return Palestinian Authority TV - April 26, 2013. By: Kris Reekmanss

Israel Launches `Ground Phase` in Gaza Conflic – Video

| November 20, 2014

Israel Launches `Ground Phase` in Gaza Conflic Israeli army announces the offensive is meant to strike a "significant blow to Hamas' terror infrastructure." By: ssss

ISIS NEWS–Palestinian factions denounce terror attacks in Gaza Strip – Video

| November 20, 2014

ISIS NEWS--Palestinian factions denounce terror attacks in Gaza Strip Please Subscribe for more than! "ISIS" "ISIS new videos" "ISIS new" "CNN" "News" "iraq" "isis" "isis attacks" "isis terrorest group" "terrorist group" "Kobani" "Kobane" "Kobani combat...

Israeli soldiers protect settlers as they attack Palestinians – Video

| November 20, 2014

Israeli soldiers protect settlers as they attack Palestinians A Palestinian human rights group has charged that Israeli soldiers have protected Jewish settlers who attacked Palestinians with rocks and iron bars during a confrontation in the occupied West... By: teleSUR English

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