B'nai Jeshurun | BJ is a Jewish community built on the …

| March 23, 2016

Community Potluck Shabbat Dinner with Rabbi Marcelo Bronstein Friday, March 25 | Following Kabbalat Shabbat Service | 89th Street Reception and Middle Rooms Pull out the quinoa and kale the next community potluck shabbat dinner is right around the corner! Getready to make your Shabbata little sweeter with friends, food, and soulful singing led byRabbi Marcelo Bronstein.Bring your friends! Bring your family! Bring your dairy/vegetarian creations! Free but you must register here. Saturday, March 26| 5:00PM | 89th Street Reception Room Join Rabbi Marcelo Bronsteinfor an interactive, warm, and inviting musical Minhaservice. As a demonstration of our commitment to inclusion, this will be an accessible experience, sensitive to children and young adults with physical and intellectual disabilities

indianapolis ADL Blogs

| March 23, 2016

Nation of Islam (NOI) leader Louis Farrakhans first public appearance after suffering a heart attack featured a number of anti-Semitic claims about Jewish control over the American government, Black organizations and other sectors. During his December 1 speech at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, Farrakhan revealed he was hospitalized approximately two months ago due to a heart attack. When Farrakhan was unable to deliver his 2013 Holy Day of Atonement speech in Alabama in October, the NOI originally said he was hospitalized for an infection.

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