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Religious Zionism is put to the test – Ynetnews

| December 1, 2019

This week's Torah portion speaks about one of the tests Abraham the Patriarch went through on his journey after his destiny. The Lord makes Abraham a grandiose promise to become the father of many nations and says to Abraham: "Arise, walk through the land in its length and in its breadth, for I will give it unto thee." As part of the first test on his journey to inherit the land, Abraham looks for a burial plot for his deceased wife Sarah and discovers the yawning chasm between his vision and its realization.

Zionists of the world (&co.) unite against Corbyn – Mondoweiss

| December 1, 2019

The faux Labour anti-semitism problem has been a central feature in the fight of the conservative, pro-Israel establishment, against Jeremy Corbyns progressive (and pro-Palestinian) agenda, since he was elected to lead Labour in 2015. It culminated in an attack by the UK Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis this week, on the pages of The Times. The Zionist rabbi, who learned his Torah at one of the Israeli Jewish settler-colonies in the West Bank, has now claimed that the overwhelming majority of British Jews are gripped by anxiety.

Q & A: Two Bar Mitzvah Boys On The Same Day (Part I) – The Jewish Press –

| December 1, 2019

Photo Credit: Jewish Press Question: I find myself in a very delicate situation and am calling upon your halachic expertise. I am the rabbi in a small town of a very close-knit community with a small Orthodox minyan. We have two boys who are exactly the same age and will reach the age of bar mitzvah next year on the same day

A bride and groom on their wedding day – Arutz Sheva

| December 1, 2019

On their wedding day, a bride and groom are forgiven for all their sins. This astonishing teaching in the Talmud Yerushalmi is based on a passage in Parshat Toldot

‘Global Day of Learning’ December 8 – The Jewish Standard

| December 1, 2019

The Jewish Federation & Foundation of Rockland County in West Nyack joins many communities in different countries for a Global Day of Learning on Sunday, December 8, at 9:30 a.m., at the Jewish Federation, at 450 West Nyack Road in West Nyack, N.Y. .

Echoes of Fords pardon of Nixon appear in appeal to Rivlin – analysis – The Jerusalem Post

| December 1, 2019

Israel can be likened these days to a country split in two, where one half of the country is watching one film in one movie theater, and the other half watching a different film in another.That is how Rabbi Amichai Gordin, of Yeshivat Har Etzion in Alon Shvut, summed up the countrys present situation in an interview on Army Radio Thursday morning.

Never Stop Fighting – The Jewish Press –

| December 1, 2019

Photo Credit: Jewish Press The children agitated within her, and she said, If so, why am I like this? She went to inquire of Hashem who said to her, Two nations are in your womb; two regimes from your inside will be separated (Bereishis 25:22-23). The Degel Machane Ephraim comments that the Torah is teaching a profound life lesson with these pesukim

A Community of Scholars | The Touro College and University System – Touro College News

| December 1, 2019

Faculty from across Touro's schools celebrated at the university's ninth annual author luncheon on November 14. Each guest was offered a Touro emblazoned metal water bottle along with a dense compendium listing the hundreds of works published by Touro faculty members this year

The impeachment of Netanyahu and how the Supreme Court could decide his fate – The Times of Israel

| December 1, 2019

The unprecedented indictment of a sitting Prime Minister and the stalemate in the political system have combined to create a constitutional crisis in Israel.

Why the most fiercely anti-Zionist rabbi in the world just visited Israel – Haaretz

| December 1, 2019

The visit to Israel of Zalman Teitelbaum, one of the two men claiming the title of third "Satmar Rebbe," the other being his older brother Aaron, has stirred much attention. He was greeted by throngs of his ultra-Orthodox followers as he entered Jerusalem, the city from which the first Satmar Rebbe, Yoelish Teitelbaum, his granduncle, ignominiously left in 1946. He had left Jerusalem only a year after he had arrived, having failed to build and sustain a small yeshiva in the ultra-Orthodox Mea Shearim quarter

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