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Killing ourselves with hate | TheHill – The Hill

| December 21, 2019

The recent shooting inside a kosher supermarket in Jersey City, N.J., is the latest example that we Americans are literally killing ourselves with hatred for our neighbors. It is just the latest in an ever-lengthening litany of putrid examples showing the terrible consequences of hating the other, rather than loving in our hearts all of those created in Gods image. The facts surrounding the murder of innocents just across the river from New York City illustrate how pervasive this problem is today

What Do the Talmud and the Internet Have in Common? More, and Less, Than One Might Think – Mosaic

| December 21, 2019

The sprawling nature of the Talmud, where discussion of one topic leads seamlessly to another, sometimes with only the loosest of connections, has invited comparison with the Internet, where a reader can follow one link after another to roam farther and farther afield from the subject with which he or she began.

Siyum Hashas Completing 2,711 pages of the Talmud – Canadian Jewish News

| December 21, 2019

On Saturday, Jan.

‘Daf Yomi’: What Is the Legal Age of Maturity for Jewish Women? – Tablet Magazine

| December 21, 2019

Literary criticAdam Kirschis readinga page of Talmuda day, along with Jews around the world. Each volume of the Koren Talmud Bavli comes in a dust jacket that bears an image related to its contents. Avoda Zara, about idol worship, features a marble bust of a Greek god; Menachot, about meal offerings, has an illustration of a sacred vessel full of flour.

Yosef HaTzaddik And The Maccabees – The Jewish Press –

| December 21, 2019

Photo Credit: Jewish Press The Shelah (1560-1630) writes that every special date on the Jewish calendar is related to the parashiyos read in close proximity to it. What, then, is the connection between Vayeishev and Chanukah

Bringing Together Two Religions – Yu News

| December 21, 2019

The Yeshiva University Office of the Provost and the American Jewish Committee (AJC), a longstanding pioneer in interreligious relations, convened a meeting of American Muslim and Modern Orthodox Jewish leaders on Monday, Dec. 2, 2019, for conversations on the theme of Tradition and Modernity: Religious Identity and Civic Engagement in the United States.

This Week’s Torah Portion: Seeing Our Believing Detroit Jewish News – The Jewish News

| December 21, 2019

By Rabbi Shaya Katz Its that time of year. We pause our diets for oily treats; we break our bank accounts for some gifts; and we take time off to see our loved ones.

Sedra of the Week: Vayeshev – Jewish News

| December 21, 2019

Betrayed and abandoned, the 17-year-old Joseph finds himself in an environment that is the polar opposite of the home in which he was brought up. Far away from the atmosphere of intense spirituality and awareness of God that was palpable in Jacobs home, he is sold into servitude to Potiphar, one of Pharaohs ministers and also now has to find the moral fortitude to withstand the advances of his masters wife

A light in the dark – jewishpresspinellas

| December 21, 2019

During the shorter and somewhat chillier days of winter, some of us tend to feel a bit more despondent, less motivated, slower to get around, maybe even a little hungrier. Even in the sunnier hemisphere, we can become susceptible to subtle seasonal mood disorders.

13 reasons everyone should be sad they dont celebrate Hanukkah – Business Insider

| December 21, 2019

captionHanukkah candles.sourceJACK GUEZ/AFP via Getty Images Many Jewish holidays can be summed up as We fought, we won, now lets eat, and Hanukkah is no exception. The story goes that while the Jews were living under the Greek empire around 166 BC, King Antiochus IV outlawed Judaism and defiled the Holy Temple that stood in Jerusalem by sacrificing pigs on the altar.

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