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The Fray: Write-in count confirms election of first Palm Tree judges – Times Herald-Record

| December 1, 2019

The Town of Palm Tree appears to have its first elected judges: two lawyers from outside the Hasidic community whose names were written in at the Nov. 5 election with the endorsement of the Anash political party.

Companies giving to health minister’s ultra-Orthodox sect won lucrative Health Ministry business – Haaretz

| December 1, 2019

Four privately owned companies that have won Health Ministry contracts in recent years also contributed to the Ger Hasidic court, to which Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman belongs.

Jewish Teens Attacked By Group Of Men In Brooklyn – Forward

| December 1, 2019

Jewish Teens Attacked By Group Of Men In Brooklyn The Forward ", c, "> "].join("") } var c = "body", e = h[c]; if (!e) return setTimeout(q, 100); a.P(1); var d = "appendChild", g = "createElement", i = "src", k = h[g]("div"), l = k[d](h[g]("div")), f = h[g]("iframe"), n = "document", p; = "none"; e.insertBefore(k, e.firstChild).id = o + "-" + j; f.frameBorder = "0"; = o + "-frame-" + j; /MSIE[ ]+6/.test(navigator.userAgent) && (f[i] = "javascript:false"); f.allowTransparency = "true"; l[d](f); try { f.contentWindow[n].open() } catch (s) { a.domain = h.domain, p = "javascript:var d=" + n + ".open();d.domain='" + h.domain + "';", f[i] = p + "void(0);" } try { var r = f.contentWindow[n]; r.write(b()); r.close() } catch (t) { f[i] = p + 'd.write("' + b().replace(/"/g, String.fromCharCode(92) + '"') + '");d.close();' } a.P(2) }; a.l && q() })() }(); c[b].lv = "1"; return c[b] } var o = "lightboxjs", k = window[o] = g(o); k.require = g; k.modules = c }({}); /**/ A gang of five men attacked two identifiably Jewish teens on the street in Brooklyn. The boys were not injured in the Nov

Big-think story: What does religion have to do with slumping global birth rates? – GetReligion

| December 1, 2019

The End of Babies.

A project that helps formerly ultra-Orthodox Jews find their place in the Jewish world – JTA News

| December 1, 2019

NEW YORK (JTA) I didnt grow up keeping Shabbat. I am an observant Jew now, but my path to orthodoxy was unexpected, slow and steady. When I was introduced to Torah learning in college, I fell in love with the wealth and breadth of knowledge lying underneath the veneer of the more basic, surface-level Judaism I experienced as a child

Man who threatened to behead police intends to convert to Judaism, court told – Sydney Morning Herald

| December 1, 2019

Pender, who took ice before the police confrontation, wrote a letter of apology to the magistrate on Thursday. His sentencing hearing in the NSW Supreme Court was played a phone call made by Pender while he was on remand in mid-2017, several weeks after the Surry Hills incident

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