Jewish Richmond, VA

Posted By on January 22, 2016

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In Richmond, VA, just a short drive from DC, Baltimore and New York, you will find a vibrant Jewish community of wholesome living in a uniquely Southern environment. In this land of "Sirs" and "Ma'ams", where good middos are second nature, our Jewish day school K-8, Boys Yeshiva High School and Beis Midrash, and Girls High School offer top quality educational programs taught by mechanchim with average tenure in our schools of over 18 years. A state sponsored education improvement scholarship program enables the community to provide full tuition scholarships for grades K-12 for modest income families (for example a family of four children with income under $94k would qualify).

There are multiple choices for davening, an array of adult learning opportunities, a fully functioning Vaad Hakashrus, an eruv and a beautiful mikvah. In addition to its great location, Richmond boasts an array of outdoor, indoor, historic and cultural activities.

In 2012 AOL-Gadling rated Richmond "America's Most Underrated City," Outdoor Magazine called Richmond "the Best Town Ever," and a 2014 study by the U.S. National Bureau of Economic Research rated Richmond the country's happiest area. The Richmond Jewish community has also been featured in Inyan magazine. Click here to read the article.

We would love for you to be our guests in Richmond, so please visit so we can extend our Southern hospitality to you. To visit, or for more information about our community, please contact Stuart Cantor at 804-433-1512 (or by e-mail at or Rabbi Dovid Asher at 804-288-7953 (or by e-mail at

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Jewish Richmond, VA

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