Palestine: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News

Posted By on September 28, 2015

The school has committed to both strengthening and reviving the Christian Church in the Holy Land. Historically, evangelicals in the region do not have the reputation of playing well with others. Thus, the ecumenical gathering on Saturday, September 19, was significant.

Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon

Author, "Forgive Us: Confessions of a Compromised Faith," 'Just Spirituality: How Faith Practices Fuel Social Action' and 'Social Justice Handbook: Small Steps for a Better World'

God makes several promises to Abraham in Genesis 12-17; these also involve Sarah, extending further to the world. The opening promise in Genesis 12:1-3 involves leaving the familiarity of home and traveling to an unknown land to be shown later. That must have taken courage!

While the media is currently having lots of fun asking their hypothetical "gotcha" question over a non-existent Muslim candidate, the possibility that Bernie Sanders could become America's first Jewish president should be a valid topic for conversation in the midst of this campaign.

Over the years, I raised four children and two stepchildren, did freelance journalism, and clung to my American-born confidence in civic discourse, the conviction that dialogue and compromise can untangle even the knottiest disagreements. But Middle Eastern reality hit me hard.

Diana Bletter

Writer, Author, 'A Remarkable Kindness' (HarperCollins, 2015), 'The Mom Who Took Off On Her Motorcycle'

Washington should not pretend that the conflict and settlements are foreign issues. Its own citizens are being affected on both sides. Israel has shown it cannot be trusted to effectively handle settler terrorism and the United States should not leave the fate of its citizens in the hands of a foreign government.

Ibrahim Fraihat

Senior Foreign Policy Fellow at the Brookings Institution's Doha Center and Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University in Qatar

After losing my son, I joined the Parents Circle-Families Forum, an organization of more than 600 bereaved Israeli and Palestinian families, who like me, have chosen a path of reconciliation, rather than revenge.

Robi Damelin

Spokesperson, Parents Circle - Families Forum (PCFF)

President Obama promised that as soon as the Iran nuclear deal is closed he will refocus on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Given this shift of focus is now in sight, Obama should grant U.S. recognition of Palestine as an independent state, albeit a militarily occupied one.

Sam Bahour

Palestinian-American business development consultant

A review of Israel's detention policy reveals how outrageous and convoluted the legal system behind this policy is. Israel maintains a perpetual state of emergency as a political tool to provide the legal rationale, however twisted, for the policy of continuing administrative detention.

While I didn't watch all the winning films, I did watch other movies that in my humble opinion, are more current and relevant in their subject matter and themes.

At this time of year exactly thirty years ago, a Palestinian militant named Abu al-Abbas sat behind his office desk in Tunis, laying the final touches on an operation scheduled for October 1985.

Sami Moubayed

Former Scholar at the Carnegie Middle East Center - Beirut

If GCC officials slowly pivot toward the perception that their long-term interests reside in an improved relationship toward Iran, such a strategic shift would be seen in Riyadh as an erosion of GCC unity against an emboldened Iran.

Mahmoud Abbas holds many titles. He is the head of the Fateh movement, chairman of the PLO's executive committee and president of the state of Palestine. Technically and legally, the Palestine Liberation Organization is superior.

Israel's multiple fault lines -- secular vs. religious, Jewish vs. Palestine and controversial calls for a boycott of the Jewish state -- are exploding on the soccer pitch.

James Dorsey

Senior fellow, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies

Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee's August campaign trip to Israel challenged longstanding U.S. policy towards Israel and the Palestinian territories.

When a Palestinian Christian says, "If the only choice is between violent resistance to the Occupation or submission, you must understand that for us, submission is not an option," it needs to be heard not as a threat or ultimatum, but as a plea.

John H. Thomas

Ordained UCC minister with a forty year career in local and national UCC ministries, including General Minister and President, 1999 to 2009.

Dr. Imad Abu Kishek, the President of Al-Quds University, sat across from me as we celebrated Iftar, Ramadan's nightly break-fast meal. The table was full of students and faculty from Brandeis and Al-Quds, all of whom share a common goal: to reestablish the partnership between our schools.

Palestine: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News

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