Twitter Finally Bans the Nazi. No, Not That One. No, the Other One. – Gizmodo Australia

Posted By on August 2, 2020

Twitter has finally booted David Duke, a former KKK grand wizard and founder of the KKK revival group the Knights of the Klu Klux Klan.

Why has it taken years for a company whose policies explicitly bar individuals who affiliate with and promote violent extremist groups? Gizmodo wondered about this earlier this month and asked Twitter, to which the company replied that Duke is not currently a member of the KKK and has distanced himself from the organisation publicly. Nothing from Dukes daily ranting indicated that hed dropped the racism, just that he was a free-agent type of racist. Bewilderingly, it still doesnt explain why Richard Spencer, head of the white supremacist National Policy Institute, is still on the platform. (Today, Twitter declined to comment to Gizmodo on why this is.)

Dukes account has been active since 2009, and, as of yesterday, he had over 53,000 followers.

Previously, Twitter said that it had temporarily suspended Dukes account and culled content, telling Gizmodo earlier this month that it would permanently ban the account if he continued to violate rules. But generally, in a recap of its guidelines, Twitter indicated that the hate could stand so long as the tweets didnt explicitly call for hurting people or promoting violence against specific groups.

For years, Duke has screamed on Twitter about supposed Zioglobalism, called Black people radical savages, defended the Nazi salute, and constantly used the anti-Semitic triple parentheses, or echo symbol, intended to point at people of Jewish heritage. He spewed hate at homosexuality and transgender insanity, calling gender dysphoria a sick product of the media. Duke threateningly tweeted the names and faces of a group of Antifa protesters, calling them the faces of domestic terror, which I wont link to here. Even if all of that flies under a technicality, there is simply no excuse under Twitters hateful conduct policy, which prohibits inciting fear about a protected category, for which Twitters example is all [religious group] are terrorists. Duke loved to call people terrorists, but most specifically to Twitters example, Israel. That this guy espouses hate doesnt exactly require a nuanced reading.

Toward the end of Dukes run on the platform, Twitter started putting sensitive material labels on his tweets, but it mostly blocked his racist memes and links, not his commentary.

The account you referenced has been permanently suspended for repeated violations of the Twitter Rules on hateful conduct, a Twitter spokesperson said in an email. This enforcement action is in line with our recently-updated guidance on harmful links. Those include links to content that harasses people based on race or ethnicity.

It took YouTube until last month to do the same. Weeks after that ban, Duke tweeted:

The fact that Google and Youtube are 100% owned and run by radical Zionists who give millions of dollars to Jewish causes and to proIsrael-biased Wikipedia has no impact on the tech company that controls 85 per cent of all Search engines. Got that? Goy?

In late June, an unverified account for Duke was created on the free speech Facebook copycat Parler. The social network is rife with fake accounts, but it looks to be a promising candidate for the right-wing exodus. Earlier this month, Republican Reps. Jim Jordan and James Sensenbrenner of the House Judiciary Committee sent a letter to the platforms CEO extolling Parlers commitment to free expression, though they didnt necessarily point to what freedoms the other platforms are denying, which, based on virtually every prominent example of Twitter and YouTubes censorship, is freedom to spread misinformation, hatred, and threats. For whatever reason, theyve kept complaining about Twitter and used it anyway as perfectly good conservative-friendly, liberal-enemy-free alternatives have come and gone.

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Twitter Finally Bans the Nazi. No, Not That One. No, the Other One. - Gizmodo Australia

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