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LIVE BLOG: Israel’s offensive in Gaza – Operation …

Posted By on July 13, 2015

Wednesday, August 27

2:30 a.m. With eyes turned east toward Cairo on Tuesday afternoon, the UN Security Council is awaiting terms of the truce before moving forward on an impending draft resolution.

After the Security Councils closed-session consultations Tuesday morning, as news was coming in about the cease-fire agreement in Cairo, UK Deputy Permanent Representative Peter Wilson spoke in vague terms about what the council would like to see going forward.

There is a Jordanian draft that has already been put into blue, Wilson said. Jordans draft resolution was last revised August 4, and has been on the table since then. For weeks, it appeared little movement was being made on the draft resolution. Tuesday, August 26

7:35 p.m. At least 116 rockets exploded in Eshkol on Tuesday

7:16 p.m. Rocket alert sirens in Eshkol Regional Council.

7:03 p.m. Code red sirens go off in Hof Ashkelon, Sha'ar HaNegev and Sdot Negev moments after "open ended" cease fire comes into effect.

7:00 p.m. "Open ended" cease-fire comes into affect, confirmed by Hamas and Israeli officials.

6:56 p.m. Rocket alert sirens heard in Ashdod and the Ashkelon region. 6:53 p.m. Rocket alert sirens sound in the Beersheva area and the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council.

6:48 p.m. Rocket alert sirens sound in the Eshkol Regional Council and Ashkelon.

See the original post here:
LIVE BLOG: Israel's offensive in Gaza - Operation ...

Gaza – Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Posted By on July 13, 2015

Gaza (en rabe azza, en hebreo Azzah) es la mayor y principal ciudad de la Franja de Gaza, denominada a veces como Ciudad de Gaza para distinguirla de la propia Franja. Su poblacin es de unos 761.221 habitantes, segn el censo del ao 2013.

El significado original de la palabra es poco claro. Se piensa que deriva de la palabra hebrea Azzh "fuerte"; sin embargo el en Azzh es original (del proto-Semtico *zz), donde el en Azza deriva del original . Los registros ms antiguos que contienen el nombre de Gaza se remontan al antiguo Egipto, en los cuales se transcribe como q--t o g--t, en un intento de reconstruir el cananeo suena ya que la z no exista en el egipcio de ese periodo. Las tablillas de Tell el-Amarna la llaman Qazati [1]. Los registros en babilonio del siglo Va.C., la llaman azatu. En griego antiguo es mencionada como . En hebreo, su pronunciacin vara de *azzh a Azzh hacia el siglo primero, cuando se observ mayor influencia de lenguajes semticos como el arameo. La forma escrita del nombre "Gaza" en rabe puede observarse en: Nessana bilingual entagion, datando del ao 674d.C. (54 AH), aunque el nombre se menciona en tradiciones pre-islmicas.

Gaza ha sido disputada en muchas ocasiones debido a su localizacin entre Asia y frica, su territorio frtil y su valor como puerto martimo.

La referencia ms temprana a la ciudad data del reinado de Tutmosis III en el siglo XVa.C.[citarequerida] Tambin se menciona en las Tablillas de Tell el-Amarna, si bien el emplazamiento exacto de la antigua Gaza es desconocido.[citarequerida]

La ciudad pareciera haber quedado slidamente bajo control egipcio a principios del reinado en solitario de Tutmosis III (ca. 1460a.C.).[4] Gaza fue inicialmente la principal base egipcia en el Levante,[5] y luego uno de sus tres centros administrativos en la regin (junto a Sumur y Kumidi), siendo as sede de un comisario general u oficial egipcio (rabisu en acadio y sokinu en cananeo) que dependa directamente del faran y al que estaban subordinados los prncipes locales.[6][7] Basados en este hecho, algunos historiadores (como Hans Wolfgang Helck[8][9] ), han argumentado que el Levante egipcio estaba claramente organizado en tres provincias, siendo Gaza la capital de la provincia sur.[7] Pero esta conclusin no es segura.[6]

Se supone que los filisteos se asentaron en la regin sirviendo como mercenarios en el ejrcito egipcio, para luego heredar los principales asentamientos tras el derrumbamiento del control egipcio en la zona hacia 1150.[10] Eventualmente se organizaron en una pentpolis dirigida por cinco monarcas llamados seren, en la cual pareciera que al principio Gaza posea la hegemona. Pero en la primera mitad del siglo XI el centro de gravedad pas a la ciudad de Asdod.[11]

En tiempos bblicos, Gaza fue una de las ciudades ms grandes de los filisteos. La ciudad filistea se construy sobre una colina de unos 45msnm a unos 2.4km del Mar Mediterrneo. Era una ciudad amurallada de unas 80ha.[citarequerida] Cay sucesivamente bajo control de los, asirios, egipcios, babilonios, y persas.

En el ao 738a.C. rey asirio Tiglatpileser III someti la regin, imponindole tributos y estableciendo un centro comercial asirio en las cercanas de la ciudad.[12] Gaza fue una de las ciudades que se neg a pagar los tributos hacia el 735, lo que motiv una nueva intervencin asiria en 734a.C., durante la cual Tiglatpileser atac y saque la ciudad. Su rey, Hanno, se refugi en Egipto.[13] Durante los levantamientos contra Asiria que siguieron al derrocamiento de Salmanasar V y la subida al trono de Sargn II en 722a.C., el rey de Gaza, Hanuna, encabez (junto al rey de Hama, Ilubi'di) una coalicin anti-asiria apoyada por un ejrcito egipcio; pero en 720 Sargn venci a Ilubi'di cerca de Qarqar (en la actual Siria), se apoder de Gaza y derrot a Hanuna y al egipcio Sibu (probablemente un general del faran Boccoris o Bakenrenef) en una batalla en Rafia (la moderna Rafah).[14][15] En 701a.C., tras sofocar un nuevo levantamiento en la regin provocado por la muerte de Sargn, el rey asirio Senaquerib entreg a Gaza parte del territorio del derrotado rey Ezequas de Jud.[16][17]

Tras la cada de Asiria ante una coalicin de medos y babilonios en 612a.C., la regin sirio-palestina fue disputada entre el Imperio Neobabilnico y Egipto. La toma de Karkemish en 605 por el an prncipe heredero Nabuconodosor conllev el control babilonio de casi toda Siria-Palestina hasta la frontera egipcia, situacin que fue afianzada con campaas anuales regulares.[18] Hacia el 590a.C. el faran Apries se apoder de Gaza, que conserv por poco tiempo. Hacia 575a.C. Nabuconodosor haba solidificado sus posesiones sirio-palestinas.[19] El comnmente llamado "calendario cortesano" de Nabuconodosor del 565, un documento conmemorativo de la fundacin de un edificio que incluye una lista de los miembros de la corte, descubierto en unas excavaciones alemanas en Babilonia, menciona a algunos reyes vasallos, incluyendo a "el rey de Gaza" (luego del de Tiro y antes del de Sidn).[20][21] Segn el historiador Ren Labat, estos reyes clientes tenan la misma categora que los gobernadores provinciales babilonios (los "Grandes de Akkad").[22]

Babilonia fue derrotada por el rey persa Ciro II el Grande en 539, y poco despus Siria y Palestina fueron incorporadas al Imperio Persa. En 525a.C. su hijo Cambises II conquist Egipto.[23][24]

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Gaza - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Franja de Gaza – Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Posted By on July 13, 2015

La Franja de Gaza (en rabe: Qi azza o tambin Qita' Ghazzah; en hebreo Retzu'at 'Azza) o simplemente Gaza, es una estrecha banda de tierra situada en el Oriente Prximo, lindante con el suroeste de Israel y con el noreste de la pennsula del Sina, Egipto. Junto con Cisjordania forma el Estado de Palestina, definido en los Acuerdos de Oslo y en la resolucin 1860 del Consejo de seguridad de la ONU,[1] que ha sido admitido por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas con el estatus de observador.[2]

La banda de Gaza est situada en el Oriente Prximo, entre los 3125N y los 3420E. Tiene 51 km de frontera con Israel y 11 con Egipto, as como 40 km de costa en el mar Mediterrneo. Su clima es rido, con inviernos suaves y veranos secos y clidos, expuestos a las sequas. El territorio es llano u ondulado, con dunas cerca de la costa y el punto ms alto a 105 msnm (Abu 'Awdah o Joz Abu 'Auda). Los recursos naturales se limitan a las tierras de cultivo (un tercio de la franja est irrigada), aunque recientemente se ha descubierto gas natural. Entre los problemas medioambientales se incluyen la desertificacin, la salinizacin del agua, el tratamiento de aguas residuales, las enfermedades producidas por el agua contaminada, la degradacin de los suelos, el agotamiento y contaminacin de las aguas subterrneas. La franja de Gaza depende ampliamente del ro Habesor, el cual es tambin un recurso para Israel.[3]

En poca del Imperio otomano la franja de Gaza perteneca a la administracin de Gaza, dependiente a su vez junto a Jaffa y Hebrn del distrito o sanjak de Jerusaln, incluido dentro del vilayato de Siria. Aunque la poblacin de la regin era en general pluriconfesional, segn el censo de 1914-15, en Gaza el 98% de sus habitantes eran musulmanes.[4]

Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, entre 1915-1916, el Alto comisario britnico Henry McMahon y el emir Husein del Hiyaz establecieron un acuerdo por el cual la franja de Gaza y la mayora de los territorios rabes asiticos pertenecientes al Imperio otomano se incorporaran, a cambio del apoyo de stos a los aliados, a un futuro reino rabe. Pero paralelamente se negociaron otros acuerdos secretos entre Francia y Gran Bretaa, los denominados Sykes-Picot, por los cuales se repartan estos mismos territorios entre ellos, dejando el rea de Palestina indefinida. Durante la Conferencia de paz de Pars de 1919 las potencias europeas ganadoras impidieron la creacin del prometido reino rabe unificado que el emir Faisal reivindic, estableciendo una serie de mandatos que les permitieron repartirse y tutelar toda la regin.[5]

La franja de Gaza form parte del Mandato britnico de Palestina, autorizado por la Sociedad de Naciones (SdN), que se extendi entre 1920 y 1948.[6] Este mandato estaba basado en los principios contenidos en el artculo 22 del borrador fundacional de la SdN y en la resolucin de la Conferencia de San Remo del 25 de abril de 1920, celebrada por los principales aliados y sus asociados.[7]

La consigna sionista de establecer un estado judo en Palestina fue apoyada por los britnicos, que alentaron la formacin de una Agencia juda. sta se encarg de la compra de tierras y de organizar la emigracin masiva hacia la regin, pasando de haber cerca de 84000 judos en 1922 a unos 485000 en 1942. Ante la presin demogrfica y el bloqueo de una salida poltica, los rabes comenzaron a sublevarse y los choques se sucedieron. Las comisiones Peel (1937) y Woodhead (1938) recomendaron la particin del territorio en dos estados, mientras que el Libro Blanco de 1939 rechaz esta posibilidad. Con el inicio de la Segunda Guerra Mundial se estableci una tregua y miles de judos se alistaron en las fuerzas britnicas. Pero cuando los alemanes fueron rechazados del Oriente Prximo las organizaciones sionistas desencadenaron una campaa terrorista contra Gran Bretaa.[6]

Tras el fin de la guerra y la disolucin de la Sociedad de Naciones, Gran Bretaa decidi traspasar el problema de Palestina a la recin creada Organizacin de las Naciones Unidas (ONU), que aprob en 1947 la resolucin 181 por la que se divida entre las dos comunidades: el 55% del territorio para los judos, Jerusaln bajo control internacional y el resto para los rabes (incluida la franja de Gaza). Casi inmediatamente comenzaron los enfrentamientos, que desencadenaron en guerra abierta con la retirada britnica.[8]

Durante la guerra rabe-israel de 1948, el territorio fue utilizado por el ejrcito egipcio como plataforma para atacar Jaffa y Jerusaln, partiendo desde el Sina.[9] El 22 de septiembre de 1948 fue proclamado en Gaza por la Liga rabe el Gobierno de todos los palestinos. Concebido parcialmente como un intento de limitar la influencia de Transjordania en Palestina, fue rpidamente reconocido por seis de los siete miembros de la Liga: Egipto, Siria, Lbano, Irak, Arabia Saudita y Yemen, aunque no por Transjordania.[10] Con la firma del armisticio la franja qued ocupada y administrada por Egipto.[9] La lnea de separacin entre las fuerzas de Egipto e Israel sigue siendo actualmente la frontera entre la franja e Israel, a pesar de que ambas partes declararon entonces que no sera una frontera internacional. La frontera sur con Egipto continua siendo la demarcada en 1906 entre el Imperio otomano y el britnico.[11]

Durante la crisis de Suez, la franja de Gaza y la pennsula del Sina fueron ocupadas por las tropas israeles, aunque se retiraron de ambas debido a la presin internacional. El gobierno palestino fue acusado de ser una simple fachada del dominio egipcio, trasladado a El Cairo y disuelto finalmente en 1959 por un decreto de Nasser.

En 1959 Irak propuso por primera vez la creacin de una "entidad palestina autnoma" que comprendiera los territorios ocupados de Gaza y Cisjordania.[9]

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Franja de Gaza - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre – The Leading Jewish Singles Network! Explore …

Posted By on July 13, 2015

JDate has been building the Jewish community for more than a decade, so it's not surprising that it seems like everyone knows someone who fell in love on JDate and it's no wonder why countless marriages begin right here! Each week, hundreds of JDaters meet their soul mates. To see why JDate is the undisputed leader in Jewish dating and the modern alternative to traditional Jewish matchmaking, just take a look at our Success Stories section.

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JDate's mission is to strengthen the Jewish community and ensure that Jewish traditions are sustained for generations to come. To accomplish this mission, we provide a global network where Jewish singles can meet to find friendship, romance and life-long partners within the Jewish faith.

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Jew Watch News

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How Relevant is Holocaust Revisionism?

Posted By on July 13, 2015

How Relevant is Holocaust Revisionism?

By Mark Weber January 7, 2009

For more than 30 years, writers and publicists who call themselves revisionists have presented evidence and arguments questioning generally accepted accounts of the Holocaust. Some of these researchers have shown impressive fortitude -- defying smears, abuse, physical violence, and worse. /1

In countries where Holocaust denial is a crime, skeptics have been fined, imprisoned or forced into exile for expressing dissident views on this issue. /2 These victims of what amounts to a blatant suppression of free speech include Robert Faurisson and Roger Garaudy in France, Siegfried Verbeke in Belgium, Jrgen Graf and Gaston-Armand Amaudruz in Switzerland, and Ernst Zundel and Germar Rudolf in Germany.

Revisionists have published impressive evidence, including long neglected documents and testimony, that has contributed to a more complete and accurate understanding of an emotion-laden and highly polemicized chapter of history.

I have played a role in this effort. In published writings, in lectures, and in courtroom testimony, I have devoted much time and work to critically reviewing the official Holocaust narrative, to countering Holocaust propaganda, and to debunking specific Holocaust claims.

But in spite of years of effort by revisionists, including some serious work that on occasion has forced mainstream historians to make startling concessions, /3 there has been little success in convincing people that the familiar Holocaust story is defective.

This lack of success is not difficult to understand. Revisionists are up against a well-organized, decades-long campaign that is promoted in the mass media, reinforced in classrooms, and supported by politicians. /4

Tim Cole, a history professor and prominent specialist of Holocaust studies, has written in his book Selling the Holocaust: From a relatively slow start, we have now come to the point where Jewish culture in particular, and Western culture more generally, are saturated with the 'Holocaust'. Indeed, the 'Holocaust' has saturated Western culture to such an extent that it appears not only centre stage, but also lurks in the background. This can be seen in the remarkable number of contemporary movies which include the 'Holocaust' as plot or sub-plot.

Between 1989 and 2003 alone, more than 170 films with Holocaust themes were made. In many American and European schools, a focus on the wartime suffering of Europe's Jews is obligatory. Every major American city has at least one Holocaust museum or memorial. The largest is the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC, which is run by a taxpayer-funded federal government agency, and draws some two million visitors yearly.

See the rest here:
How Relevant is Holocaust Revisionism?

The Importance of Holocaust Revisionism, a Reply …

Posted By on July 13, 2015

In the past two weeks, Veterans Today has published three pieces on Holocaust revisionism by Alan Hart, and one set of reflections by Jim Dean and Paul Eisen. Any discussion of this topic is welcome, given its central importance in American life today.

However, Hart, in particular, perpetuates some false and misleading ideas about the matter, and thus a reply is called for.

Let me begin with a few points that Hart has correct. There are, in fact, three essential elements to the event called the Holocaust:

(1) intention to mass murder the Jews, by Hitler and the Nazi elite;

(2) the use of gas chambers; and

(3) the 6 million deaths.

If any one of these three should undergo substantial revision, then, technically speaking, we no longer have The Holocaustat least, not in any meaningful sense. (Broadly speaking, of course, any mass fatality is a holocaust.) Holocaust revisionism contends that, not one, but all three of these points are grossly in error, and thus that The Holocaust, as such, did not occur. Obviously, this is not to deny that a tragedy happened to the Jews, nor that many thousands died, directly and indirectly, as a result of the war. But the conventional account is an extreme exaggeration.

Harts treatment of these issues is woefully inadequate. On the first point, he claims that the Nazis did indeed have a program of mass murder, and that they deliberately and systematically implemented itbut only after the British abandoned their commitment to Zionism in May 1939. And yet, he offers no evidence that this was a major turning point in German policy. I am unaware that any such evidence exists.

Go here to see the original:
The Importance of Holocaust Revisionism, a Reply ...

FAQ about Holocaust Revisionism – VHO

Posted By on July 13, 2015

Welcome to our Introduction to Historical Revisionism!

In the following text you will find the questions which are most frequently asked about Holocaust Revisionism. You will find our answers by simply clicking your mouse on the question. We also offer a leaflet for free download which summarizes Holocaust Revisionism in a nutshell. This is the perfect flyer for a brief introduction and as a handout to others. Castle Hill wishes you a lot of worthwhile discoveries while browsing through the following page.

Questions and Answers

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to ask:

The word "Revisionism" is derived from the Latin word "revidere," which means to view again. The revision of long held theories is entirely normal. It occurs in the natural sciences as well as the social sciences, to which the discipline of history belongs. Science is not a static condition. It is a process, specifically the creating of knowledge by searching for evidence. When ongoing research finds new evidence, or when critical researchers discover mistakes in old explanations, it often happens that old theories have to be changed or even abandoned.

By "Revisionism" we mean critically examining established theories and hypotheses in order to test their validity. Scientists need to know when new evidence modifies or contradicts old theories; indeed, one of their main obligations is to test time-honored conceptions and attempt to refute them. Only in an open society in which individuals are free to challenge prevailing theories can we ascertain the validity of these theories, and be confident that we are approaching the truth. For a fuller discussion of this, the reader should acquaint himself with the essay by Dr. C. Nordbruch in the Neuer Zrcher Zeitung of 12 June 1999.

Return to Questions

Like other scientific concepts, our historical concepts are subject to critical consideration. This is especially true when new evidence is discovered. We must constantly re-examine historical theories, particularly in case:

When we are dealing with the distant past, even a small piece of new evidence can profoundly change our views. As for the recent past, the truism "the victor writes the history of the war" still holds; and victor is hardly ever objective. Revision of victor-history is usually not possible until the confrontation between victor and vanquished has ceased to exist; and sometimes these confrontations last for centuries. Since historiography has negligible monetary significance, almost all historical institutes are financed by their respective governments. Free and independent historical institutes are practically nonexistent. In contemporary history, in which individual governments have huge political interests, we must be skeptical toward the official historiography. Another truism reminds us that "he who pays the piper, calls the tune." These reasons explain why Historical Revisionism is important and why the rulers of the world tend to oppose it.

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FAQ about Holocaust Revisionism - VHO

Holocaust denial – RationalWiki

Posted By on July 13, 2015

Holocaust denial (also Holocaust "revisionism") is assertion that the Holocaust (often called the "Holohoax") perpetrated by Nazi Germany, other Axis powers, and their collaborators in occupied Europe during the Second World War never happened or - in true conspiracy theory fashion - the denial that it happened according to the "official" story. Like most conspiracy theories, it takes many forms, from the fairly light claims of "exaggeration" to the extreme views of outright fraud, fakery and Zionist conspiracy. Generally, the claims include:

Particularly when it focuses on "how the Jews faked it all," Holocaust denial is a form of anti-Semitism often embraced by bigots who are too cowardly to admit that they wished that Hitler had finished the job.

I visited every nook and cranny of the camp because I felt it my duty to be in a position from then on to testify at first hand about these things in case there ever grew up at home the belief or assumption that "the stories of Nazi brutality were just propaganda." Some members of the visiting party were unable to go through with the ordeal. I not only did so but as soon as I returned to Patton's headquarters that evening I sent communications to both Washington and London, urging the two governments to send instantly to Germany a random group of newspaper editors and representative groups from the national legislatures. I felt that the evidence should be immediately placed before the American and the British publics in a fashion that would leave no room for cynical doubt.

The Holocaust was, according to Wikipedia:

Today, scholars of history are divided between two interpretations of the Holocaust: functionalism versus intentionalism.[wp] Both functionalists and intentionalists agree that the Holocaust occurred, but functionalists disagree with the claim that the Holocaust was Hitler's intention from the beginning, either from the time of Mein Kampf, or his ascension to power, or even the beginning of the war. By contrast, intentionalists see the Holocaust as being primarily Hitler's idea, something he had planned even for years before coming to power. Functionalists see the Holocaust evolving bottom-up rather than being ordered from the top-down. That Hitler did not plan or order the Holocaust does not mean he escapes moral responsibility for it. He created the climate of extreme anti-Semitism that made it possible, created many of the policies which immediately contributed to it, provided the leadership that considered these measures both permissible and acceptable and failed to stop or prevent it.

For example, both intentionalists and functionalists agree that Hitler ordered deportation of Jews to Nazi-occupied Poland but intentionalists believe that "deportation" was from the very beginning a codeword for extermination (see explanation of Nazi euphemisms below), while functionalists see "deportation" at the beginning as being quite literally that a plan to deport Jews, with little thought as to what would happen to them when they arrived in Poland. Functionalists see the Holocaust as a bureaucratic solution among low-level Nazi officials in Poland to handle all these incoming Jews, by killing most of them. Functionalists such as Ian Kershaw also point to the highly chaotic nature of the Nazi state, in which individuals vied with one another for power and Hitler's good favour (often the same thing). This process, referred to by historians (after Nazi civil servant Werner Willikins) as "working towards the Fuhrer," aimed at satisfying Hitler's ever-increasing calls for "radicalism" in all matters of policy, naturally led various officials to propose more and more extreme solutions to the "Jewish question" (that there were multiple proposed solutions is evidenced by the term "the Final Solution"). Functionalists still believe that, even if Hitler did not directly start the Holocaust, he became aware of it while it was in progress and in all probability signed off on the proposal - in no way does functionalism absolve Hitler of moral responsibility or downplay the atrocities themselves. Unlike Holocaust denial, functionalism is an academically respectable position in the field of history.

Many Holocaust deniers describe themselves as "revisionists." Does that mean they are not deniers?

How do we define Holocaust denial?

Modern scholarship defines "The Holocaust" as:

The Free Dictionary defines "denial" as:

Here is the original post:
Holocaust denial - RationalWiki

Stand Up To Bigotry and Create a World Without Hate | ADL

Posted By on July 13, 2015

Imagine a World Without Hate

In honor of our Centennial Year in 2013, the Anti-Defamation League launched the Imagine a World Without Hate video and action campaign, and we invite you to participate.

Take just 80 seconds of your time to watch this powerful video, which imagines a world without racism, homophobia or anti-Semitism a world in which the hate violence that took the lives of Martin Luther King Jr., Anne Frank, Daniel Pearl, Matthew Shepard and others did not happen. Imagine what these individuals could have continued to contribute to society if bigotry, hate and extremism had not cut their lives tragically short.

After 100 years of fighting bigotry and fostering respect, we are celebrating our successes, while at the same time recognizing that we still have a long way to go to achieve the reality of a world without hate. Join us by watching, sharing and taking steps every day to create a world without hate. Thank you for stepping up to create a world without hate as an individual, community, school or corporation.

ADL is most grateful to the families of those featured in the video, whose commitment and participation made this campaign possible, and to the Estate of John Lennon for granting us the rights to use his beautiful and iconic song.

Imagine a World Without Hate. We do. Join us.

Learn more about the Imagine a World Without Hate video in our Press Releases:

Go here to see the original:
Stand Up To Bigotry and Create a World Without Hate | ADL

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