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Gaza Flotilla: The media battle in Israel

Posted By on July 14, 2011

Israeli press reports Gaza Flotilla will be carrying "lethal acid" with "the intention of killing as many IDF soldiers as possible"


Gaza Flotilla: The media battle in Israel

Assange Held Back Wikileaks About US, Israel

Posted By on July 14, 2011

People on both sides of the argument have been quick to rush to judgement on the motivations of Wikileaks' Julian Assange. Moral crusader or compromised egotist?

See original here:
Assange Held Back Wikileaks About US, Israel

‘Palestine peace punched in face by Israel anti-boycott law’

Posted By on July 14, 2011

A wave of criticism is gathering momentum in Israel over a new bill, that outlaws the boycott of Jewish settlements on occupied Palestinian territory. Opposition parties have called the law an attempt by a weakened government to silence the people.

Excerpt from:
'Palestine peace punched in face by Israel anti-boycott law'

Patient Larry Bonds Talks About Heart Transplant at Barnes-Jewish Hospital

Posted By on July 14, 2011

Heart transplant patient Larry Bonds shares his story of receiving his new heart Thanksgiving of 2008.

Read more:
Patient Larry Bonds Talks About Heart Transplant at Barnes-Jewish Hospital

Jewish Man Exposes Israel’s Lies

Posted By on July 14, 2011

This author born in Israel condems Israeli policies and lies and reveals the truth about the zionist state.

Read the original here:
Jewish Man Exposes Israel's Lies

welcome to Palestine 2011

Posted By on July 14, 2011

Hundreds of participants from the Welcome to Palestine Campaign started to arrive at Tel Aviv international airport on Friday, July 8. In Europe, French activists were denied from boarding their planes after the Israeli interior ministry handed out black lists to airlines of the people not allowed to travel to Israel.

Read more:

welcome to Palestine 2011

Israeli air raids on the Gaza Strip continue – 28 Dec 08

Posted By on July 14, 2011

For a second day, Israeli aircraft have pounded what they say are Hamas targets in Gaza. The death toll has risen to at least 280, among them women and children. Hamas has vowed not to cave in, but Israel's operation could soon escalate

Read more here:

Israeli air raids on the Gaza Strip continue - 28 Dec 08

Understanding UN Bias Against Israel — Invitation to Durban 3 NYC Sept 21

Posted By on July 14, 2011

Read the rest here:
Understanding UN Bias Against Israel -- Invitation to Durban 3 NYC Sept 21

Israel Boycott Law Slammed

Posted By on July 14, 2011

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu approved on July 11 the anti-boycott law which criminalizes support of boycotts against Israel and its occupation. The bill has been seen as a blow to free speech by both Israelis and Palestinians.

Originally posted here:
Israel Boycott Law Slammed

Israel Bloopers! Jerusalem, Masada, Dead Sea – Accent Goggles

Posted By on July 13, 2011

Andrea addresses your comments and goes more in depth into her Israel experience, showing bloopers from Jerusalem, Masada and the Dead Sea. Accent Goggles is the travel diary of avid world traveler Andrea Feczko.

Originally posted here:
Israel Bloopers! Jerusalem, Masada, Dead Sea - Accent Goggles

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