Zionist | Define Zionist at Dictionary.com

Posted By on November 4, 2015

Contemporary Examples

The more hawkish zionist Organization of America declared the condemnation downright shocking.

Finally, as a zionist, this deification of trauma appalls me.

In fact, many "delegitimizers" explicitly refrain from supporting a partial boycott lest they be seen as zionist sympathizers.

Bennett is very popular, and many among the right and religious zionist community see him as a savior-type figure.

The internal zionist arguments are thus over what we mean, by new.

Historical Examples

In this sense Herzl could say later that the Dreyfus affair had made him a zionist.

The zionist regards it as contemptible to conceal his nationality.

His speech revealed the great transformation that had taken place in Herzl's organic relation to the zionist movement.

The bibliography and the chronology were prepared by the zionist Archives and Library.

Remarked that he "might become a zionist if it could be accomplished in Zion."

British Dictionary definitions for zionist Expand

a political movement for the establishment and support of a national homeland for Jews in Palestine, now concerned chiefly with the development of the modern state of Israel

a policy or movement for Jews to return to Palestine from the Diaspora

Derived Forms

Zionist, noun, adjectiveZionistic, adjective

Word Origin and History for zionist Expand

"movement for forming (later supporting) a Jewish national state in Palestine," 1896, from German Zionismus (from Zion + Latin-derived suffix -ismus; see -ism); first recorded 1886 in "Selbstemancipation," by "Matthias Acher" (pseudonym of Nathan Birnbaum).

zionist in Culture Expand

The belief that Jews should have their own nation; Jewish nationalism. Zionism gained much support among Jews and others in the early twentieth century, and the hoped-for nation was established in the late 1940s in Palestine, as the state of Israel. Zionism is opposed by most Arabs. (See Arab-Israeli conflict.)

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Zionist | Define Zionist at Dictionary.com

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