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Names of God in Judaism – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

| August 9, 2015

The name of God in Judaism used most often in the Hebrew Bible is (YHWH), also known as the Tetragrammaton. Elohim (God, singular and plural form, depending on the context), and Adonai (master), are regarded by rabbinic Judaism not as names, but as epithets or titles reflecting different aspects of God. Elohim is the aspect of justice, and Adonai the aspect of mercy.[1] The name of God in Judaism used most often in the Hebrew Bible is the four-letter name (YHWH), also known as the Tetragrammaton (Greek for "four letters").

History of the Jews in Serbia – Wikipedia, the free …

| August 9, 2015

The history of Jewish community of Serbia goes back about two thousand years. Jews first arrived in what is now Serbia in Roman times. The Jewish communities of the Balkans remained small until the late 15th century, when Jews fleeing the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions found refuge in Ottoman-ruled areas, including Serbia.

Perry J Greenbaum: The Jewish Prodigal

| August 9, 2015

Reflections & Religion This essay is a continuation of a previous post, The Jewish Way.

African diaspora – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

| August 9, 2015

This article is on the historical emigration from Africa.

The African Diaspora – experienceafrica

| August 9, 2015

The African Diaspora Introduction to the African Diaspora across the World When once were dispersions, there now is Diaspora[i]. As illustrated by this quote, the notion of Diaspora underlines the specificity of some migration phenomenon, thereby contributing to make sense out of certain transnational movements. Etymologically, the word diaspora, meaning dispersal, stems from the Greek sporo (seed), and speira (to spree)

Bnai Brith Wikipedia

| August 9, 2015

Bnai Brith (Hebrisch ; deutsch Shne des Bundes), auch Bnai Brith oder im deutschsprachigen Raum (bis zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus) Unabhngiger Orden Bne Briss (U.O.B.B.) oder Bnei Bri genannt, ist eine jdische Organisation, die im Jahre 1843 in New York als geheime Loge von zwlf jdischen Einwanderern aus Deutschland gegrndet wurde und sich laut Selbstdarstellung der Frderung von Toleranz, Humanitt und Wohlfahrt widmet. Ein weiteres Ziel von Bnai Brith ist die Aufklrung ber das Judentum und die Erziehung innerhalb des Judentums. Zurzeit gibt es rund 500.000 organisierte Mitglieder in ungefhr 60 Staaten

Anne Frank Wikipdia

| August 9, 2015

Un article de Wikipdia, l'encyclopdie libre. Le livre original avec la photo d'Anne Franck. uvres principales modifier Annelies Marie Frank, plus connue sous le nom dAnne Frank, ne le 12 juin 1929 Francfort-sur-le-Main, en Allemagne, sous la Rpublique de Weimar, ayant vcu la majeure partie de sa vie aux Pays-Bas et morte en fvrier ou mars 1945 (environ deux mois avant la capitulation allemande) Bergen-Belsen en Allemagne nazie, fut une adolescente allemande juive ayant crit un journal intime, rapport dans le livre Le Journal d'Anne Frank, alors qu'elle se cachait avec sa famille et quatre amis Amsterdam pendant l'occupation allemande durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale dans le but d'viter la Shoah

Anna Frank – Wikipedia

| August 9, 2015

Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Annelies Marie "Anne" Frank, (pronuncia olandese: [nlis mari n frk], tedesca: [anlis mai an fak]; ascolta[?info]), nome italianizzato in Anna Frank, (Francoforte sul Meno, 12 giugno 1929 Bergen-Belsen, febbraio 1945[1][2][3]), stata una ragazza e scrittrice ebrea tedesca, divenuta un simbolo della Shoah per il suo diario scritto nel periodo in cui lei e la sua famiglia si nascondevano dai nazisti e per la sua tragica morte nel campo di concentramento di Bergen-Belsen

Racing West – NEAR LIVE: NASCAR West irwindale

| August 9, 2015

NEAR LIVE: Apple Cup at Yakima Speedway Join Shari G at the Apple Cup! Near Live NEAR LIVE: NASCAR West irwindale Join Andy D at Irwindale for Near Live Coverage of Saturday Night's Main Event Near Live The Speedway At Willow Springs- 2015 Summer Season Presented by Pinnacle Peak Steakhouse in Colton and San Dimas Website: Facebook: We are thrilled to announce the 2015 racing season schedule for The Speedway At Willow Springs International Raceway. Our 2015 season will include 9 events, Two Destruction in the Desert events, and a WHOLE lot of fun. .: Full Story NEAR LIVE ARCHIVE: Kern County Raceway Park Kern County Late Models Spec-Mods & NASCAR West The NASCAR K & N Pro Series, West is starting its 2015 season at the high banked, state of the art speedway with a 150-lapper

Israel Defense Forces – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

| August 9, 2015

Military of Israel Israel Defense Forces logo Flag of the Israel Defense Forces United States (1968present)[5] Czechoslovakia (1948)[6] Germany (1998present)[7] The Israel Defense Forces (IDF; Hebrew: Tzva Hahagana LeYisra'el(helpinfo), lit. "The Army of Defense for Israel", commonly known in Israel by the Hebrew acronym Tzahal (), are the military forces of the State of Israel. They consist of the ground forces, air force, and navy

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