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UK Labour leadership tells Zionist meeting that thousands of party members face expulsion – WSWS

| December 5, 2020

Labours deputy leader Angela Rayner has declared her readiness to expel thousands of party members on manufactured charges of anti-Semitism or denialism, i.e., rejecting the slander that the left is characterised by widespread hatred of Jews. Rayner appeared alongside party leader Sir Keir Starmer at a one-day online conference of the pro-Zionist Jewish Labour Movement (JLM) and Labour Friends of Israel (LFI) on November 29

What Stands in the Way of Closer Ties between Brazil and Israel? – Mosaic

| December 5, 2020

Jair Bolsonaros unexpected election to the Brazilian presidency in 2018 appeared to herald a major reorientation of the countrys foreign policy. A self-styled nationalist inspired by Donald Trump, Bolsonaro has associated himself with the American presidents former advisor Steve Bannon, the philosopher Olavo de Carvalho, and the political scientist Filipe Martins (currently a counselor to the Brazilian president on international relations)all of whom see Israel as a model of successful nationalism.

The First Agudat Yisrael Knessiah Gedolah And The Introduction Of The Daf Yomi – The Jewish Press –

| December 5, 2020

Not long after its founding, Agudat Yisrael came to be a metaphor for charedi Jewrys confrontation with modernity in general and with religious Zionism in particular.

Philippines Honored for Aiding Jews in Holocaust and Support for Creation of Israel – Algemeiner

| December 5, 2020

The Philippines national flag. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Labour antisemitism must be confronted with nuance, clarity and empathy – LabourList

| December 5, 2020

The recent publication of the Equality and Human Rights Commission investigation reconfirmed what many of us have been arguing for some time: that antisemitism is a real issue in the Labour Party, that requires serious confrontation. Antisemitism in left-wing and radical movements is not new, dating back to at least the mid-19th century.

MAGA Weaponized Rev. Jeremiah Wright And Zionism Against Rev. Raphael Warnock: Its Not Working – Moguldom

| December 5, 2020

Written by Isheka N. Harrison Dec 04, 2020 On Jan

A Brief History of Israel’s Ambassadors to Washington, Their Successes, and Their Troubles – Mosaic

| December 5, 2020

Come next month, in January 2021, the Israeli politician Gilad Erdan will be joining a long and storied list of characters, and heroes, who have had the job as Israels top representative in Washington.

Podcast: Richard Goldberg on the Future of Israeli-Saudi Relations – Mosaic

| December 5, 2020

This Weeks Guest: Richard Goldberg It has been widely reported that, in late November of 2020, the Israeli prime minister secretly flew to Saudi Arabia for a meeting with the kingdoms crown prince.

Are Universities Producing the Anti-Israel Foot Soldiers? – The Times of Israel

| December 5, 2020

Abraham Lincoln once said The Philosophy of the schoolroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next. If Lincolns statement holds true, stormy days may be in store for bilateral relations between the US and Israel

An assassination has made a dark Mideast darker than ever – Tehran Times

| December 5, 2020

Joe Bidens up and coming climate czar John Kerry has claimed the reason Russia came to Syrias aid several years ago was because ISIS was threatening Damascus.

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