ADL Says Anarchists, Nonideological People Are Behind the Violence at the George Floyd Demonstrations – Jewish Journal

Posted By on June 3, 2020

Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Center on Extremism Associate Director Joanna Mendelson said extremist groups are participating in the protests over the death of George Floyd.

Mendelson told the Journal that although most of the protests around the country have been peaceful, there are some extremists attempting to take advantage of the situation to further their agenda. We are seeing a host of extremists rhetorically try to insert their violent agenda into this national crisis, she said.

Mendelson cited the neo-Nazi group Nationalist Social Club, whose members were handing out stickers during demonstrations in Boston over the weekend. An individual also allegedly shouted Heil Hitler! during a peaceful protest on May 29 in Denver.

According to a June 1 ADL report, right-wing anti-government groups, militias and antifa (anti-fascist) groups also have participated in protests. However, Mendelson said the ADL hasnt seen antifa behind any of the recent violence.

She noted the ADL has documented some instances of anarchists perpetuating the violence. [Anarchists] view it as a chance to destroy what they perceive as this corrupt system, Mendelson said. So, theyre not motivated by the cause [of police brutality] and much more interested in wanton destruction of society.

We are seeing a host of extremists rhetorically try to insert their violent agenda into this national crisis. Joanna Mendelson

Other instances of violence during the protests have not been ideological, Mendelson said. There are some who are interested in the thrills of the confrontation. Theyre not necessarily ideologically oriented.

She added, Were closely monitoring the rhetoric and are concerned for extremist groups to also fully embrace and engage [in the protests].

These protests emerged out of an expression of despair and anger about the perceived systemic racism and inequality, and unfortunately the violence that is devolving in protests around the nation are distracting from the clarion call for change.

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ADL Says Anarchists, Nonideological People Are Behind the Violence at the George Floyd Demonstrations - Jewish Journal

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