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E revo vs e maxx traxxass – Video

| April 8, 2014

E revo vs e maxx traxxass E maxx play like e revo. By: tomer ashkenazi

smt 2014 – Video

| April 8, 2014

smt 2014 , , , , , , . By: tomer ashkenazi

Did Hitler's wife have Jewish ancestry? UK TV show makes DNA claims of Ashkenazi heritage – Video

| April 7, 2014

Did Hitler's wife have Jewish ancestry? UK TV show makes DNA claims of Ashkenazi heritage A shocking new investigation has revealed that Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler may have married a Jew.

Documentary: Hitlers wife, Eva Braun, may have had Jewish ancestry

| April 7, 2014

Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler in 1942. Photo from German Federal Archive Eva Braun, the wife of Adolf Hitler, may have had Jewish ancestry, according to a new British documentary.

10 Ancient Knowledge Pt 6c Lost History, Phoenicians, Alphabet, Symbology, Ashkenazi, Mythology – Video

| April 7, 2014

10 Ancient Knowledge Pt 6c Lost History, Phoenicians, Alphabet, Symbology, Ashkenazi, Mythology By: OfficialSAAMRorg

— — – Video

| April 6, 2014


CIMG6555 – Video

| April 6, 2014

CIMG6555 By: keren ashkenazi

Hitler may have 'unwittingly married a Jew'

| April 6, 2014

Paul Baer, a German-born Jew whose mother and sisters were taken to concentration camps, kept a selection of items from Brauns apartment, including several Nazi ceremonial daggers, a human skull and a cosmetics case with the initials E.B. His son Alan has now donated the hair for investigation, in the hopes of contributing to historical and scientific understanding.

DNA suggests Hitler may have married a Jew

| April 6, 2014

This undated file picture shows the Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun.AP Photo/US Army Signal Corps from Eva Braun's album, File A British documentary airing next week makes an astonishing claim: Hitler inadvertently married a Jew in one of his last acts before suicide, reports the Telegraph.

Greeces last Romaniote Jews remember a catastrophe

| April 6, 2014

When the Jews of Ioannina gathered in their whitewashed-stone synagogue over the weekend, it was to commemorate 70 years since the Nazis destroyed their community. But the March 30 gathering also served to highlight a source of present-day sadness: the withering of the unique 2,300 year-old Romaniote Jewish tradition. Ioannina, a postcard-pretty town in northwestern Greece with a medieval fortress perched by a bright blue lake and surrounded by snow-capped mountains, once was the center of Romaniote Jewish life.

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