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How will history judge Trump and his enablers? Youre asking the wrong question. – Forward

| February 6, 2021

From the day Donald Trump was ushered into the White House to the day he was ushered out, commentators have found comfort in the phrase history will judge. If they mean that historians will not look kindly on Donald Trump and his enablers, they are probably right. But right or wrong, their judgment will probably not matter to future generations.

USC Shoah Foundation – Wikipedia

| February 3, 2021

USC Shoah Foundation The Institute for Visual History and Education, formerly Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to making audio-visual interviews with survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust (which in Hebrew is called the Shoah) and other genocides, a compelling voice for education and action.[2] It was established by Steven Spielberg in 1994, one year after completing his Academy Award-winning film Schindler's List. The original aim of the institute was to record testimonies of survivors and other witnesses of the Holocaust as a collection of videotaped interviews. In January 2006, the foundation partnered with and relocated to the University of Southern California (USC) and was renamed the USC Shoah Foundation The Institute for Visual History and Education

Access the Visual History Archive | USC Shoah Foundation

| February 3, 2021

The Institute offers access to the Visual History Archive to subscribing institutions, including universities, museums, libraries, centers and memorial sites. Subscriptions come in two forms: full access and partial access.

Shoah Trailer: One of the Greatest Documentaries of All-Time Gets First-Ever On Demand Release – The Film Stage

| February 3, 2021

A seminal documentary, and one of the most essential films of all time, IFC Films is bringing Claude Lanzmanns magnum opus Shoah on demand for a whole new generation of audiences to witness. Exploring the scope of Hitlers Final Solution through interviews from survivors of the Holocaust, witnesses, and participants of the atrocities committed during the genocide, the film will get its first-ever on demand digital release on March 2nd, and IFC Films have released a brand new trailer marking the occasion. Filmed over twelve years, Lanzmann investigates the circumstances that would lead ordinary people to commit unspeakable evils, revealing the banality of evil ascribed by German political theorist Hannah Arendt

Statement on the Signing Agreement for the Memory of the Shoah – US Embassy in Luxembourg

| February 3, 2021

REMARKSCHERRIE DANIELS, SPECIAL ENVOY FOR HOLOCAUST ISSUESBUREAU OF EUROPEAN AND EURASIAN AFFAIRSWASHINGTON, DCJANUARY 27, 2021 The United States congratulates the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg for signing an historic agreement today with the Jewish Community of Luxembourg, together with the World Jewish Restitution Organization and the Luxembourg Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah. It is poignant that this agreement is being signed today

This customised van helps Shoah survivors record their stories in the pandemic – Jewish News

| February 3, 2021

As one of the youngest Holocaust survivors, Eva Clarke has spent years telling the story of how her mother, weighing just 68 pounds, gave birth to her inside a concentration camp just a month before it was liberated.

Robert Jenrick: Proposed Westminster Shoah memorial will be free ‘in perpetuity’ – Jewish News

| February 3, 2021

The national Holocaust memorial centre in Westminster will be free in perpetuity to visitors when it opens, the Communities Secretary has announced. Robert Jenrick said the decision would put the Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre, due to be built in Victoria Tower Gardens next to Parliament, on the same footing as the UKs most significant museums and monuments

Sonny Fox and the Holocaust: a little-known connection – Religion News Service

| February 3, 2021

I feel like I just lost a childhood friend. Sonny Fox, the host of Wonderama, died this past week of COVID related pneumonia. He was 95 years old.

Polish diplomat in Istanbul rescued hundreds of Jews from the Shoah, report says – Jewish News

| December 16, 2020

A Polish diplomat serving in Turkey during World War II helped save hundreds of Jewish refugees fleeing the Nazis by issuing them false certificates that identified them as Christians, an Israeli newspaper revealed in an expose published Friday. Wojciech Rychlewicz, then a consul in Istanbul, provided the documents to the European refugees at no pay.

Virtual Field Trips: How Interactive Learning Has Evolved In The Pandemic Age – KERA News

| December 16, 2020

A group of Dallas high school students recently fired up their laptops, tablets and phones for a virtual visit to the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum. The field trip started like any of the thousands held every year at the facility, with the museums top educator leading the way.

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