Urban Dictionary: Zionism

Posted By on September 1, 2015

"An extremely racist belief that Jews deserve to take over the Palestinian's land with the backing of the U.S. military."

Except if you read history, which anti-Zionists enjoying ignoring and distorting to fit their beliefs, you would know that the land actually belongs to the Jews and they were kicked out by the Romans in 70 A.D. Not everything Muslims and corrupt organizations such as the United Nations say is necessarily true.

There has never been a Palestinian people. The name Palestine came from the Romans after the conquered Israel in 70. They wanted to end any association of the land with the Jews. The term "Palestine" came from the Philistines, one of the Jews' biggest enemies in their history. Note they were Aegean people and weren't even Semitic. What's the difference between Palestinians and their Arab brethren? Do the Palestinians have their own unique culture, cuisine, language and other things that separate them from other Arabs? This whole "Palestinian nationalism" is a recent invention by Yasser Arafat, an Egyptian.

I personally oppose having an alliance Israel, just like how I oppose having an alliance with anyone. But what most anti-Zionists don't know is that we actually give three times more aid to Israel's enemies. If we're going to end aid to Israel, we should end aid to the Arabs. I don't even know why we bother using our military on Israel since they have a better military than us.

"Zionists use the history of persecution against Jews to rationalize this blatant breach of human rights, and then Israelis go on to murder thousands of Palestinians each year with the pretext that they have been attacked by terrorists."

No, Zionists use the the history of the fact that the Jews historically owned that land and they were kicked out by the Romans. The difference between this and the Indians is that the Jews were literally exiled and the Indians weren't, not that I'm saying we should belittle what happened to the Indians.

Don't Muslims use their religion to rationalize why they hae their land? How come they get to have all that land that has a lot of oil, but Jews can't have a tiny sliver of land that has zero oil?

How can you charge Israel with human rights violations, but ignore what goes in places like Saudi Arabi? 20% of Israel's population are Muslims and they enjoy full rights and even have their own political parties and representation in government. But what about the Palestinians? They don't want to be Israelis and continue to show why by continuing to attack Israel after the Israelis withdrew from Gaza and even voted for Hamas, an organization even Amnesty International calls terrorist. These guys are really pushing for peace aren't they?

"While it is true that some Palestinians attack Israelis, there are at least 4 fold more Palestinian than Israeli deaths each year."

Probably because most of the Palestinians are terrorists.

See the original post:
Urban Dictionary: Zionism

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