Wiles: Zionists Using Transgenderism to Conquer Gentiles, Rule the World – Patheos

Posted By on February 17, 2020

Vicious anti-Semits Rick Wiles welcomes two messianic Jews (i.e. Christians) on his TruNews show last week and they all agreed that those evil Zionists are using transgenderism to make everyone androgynous so they could conquer the gentiles and steal their money. Its not clear how exactly being androgynous would do that, but facts and logic are in short supply here.

They want to rule the world, Jana Ben-Nun said of the Jews. They want to get Gentile riches, and they want to rule the Gentiles. They dont consider Gentiles [to be] fully human beings. In fact, as an end game, they have this strange doctrine: the Adam Kadmon doctrine. Adam Kadmon was, originally, according to the Zohar and the Talmud, he was androgynous; Adam, he wasnt male or female, he was male and female in one body, and this is why you see this transgender agenda today.

Yes, Ben-Nun replied. It gets its origin in Zionism, and it gets its origin in the Talmud, Zohar, and Kabbalah. Its a Kabbalahistic doctrine of Adam Kadmon. They have this doctrine called Tikkun Olamrepairing the worldso how do they want to repair the world? They want to bring it to the original. Who was original? Adam. He was androgynous. So now theyre putting specific things in food, in drink, and basically their end game is to make humans on Earth that will survivewhatever it is they are bringingandrogynous.

What they are really trying to do is undo Gods creation, Wiles said. They are at odds with the Creator.

*scratches head* So they make everyone androgynous and then magically all the gentiles money floats away and into their bank accounts? And they suddenly rule the world? Okey dokey.

See the rest here:
Wiles: Zionists Using Transgenderism to Conquer Gentiles, Rule the World - Patheos

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