Your Daily Phil: GatherDC expands to West Coast + Nourishment for the Jewish soul – eJewish Philanthropy

Posted By on September 13, 2022

NOURISHMENT FOR THE SOULYearly yearning: Another look at hunger in Jewish life

To live as a Jew means that we do not just eat to live. And at the same time, we do not simply live to eat With the advent of the month ofElulwe start our preparations for the High Holidays. Part of our preparation is, not surprisingly, around food, write retired psychologist Betsy Stone and Rabbi Avi Katz Orlow, vice president of innovation and education at the Foundation for Jewish Camp, inan opinion piece foreJewishPhilanthropy.

Thinking about menus:While we might spend some time thinking about the symbolic foods we will have at our Rosh Hashanah table, or the best brisket recipe to use, fasting on Yom Kippur takes center stage. Are we going to decaffeinate to avoid the headache? How hungry will we be? What is the best thing to eat to prepare for the fast? As much as we say, Next Year in Jerusalem, we are already thinking, What will I break the fast with this year?

Needing nourishment:While global poverty, food insecurity and urban deserts are problems that need to be addressed, each of our personal hungers are never fully resolved. The nature of our being means that we are only sated for a limited time. We will always need more Similar to fear and pain, hunger is an essential warning sign. The sensation of wanting nourishment reminds us of the fragility of our bodies, and our ongoing need for physical sustenance. This feeling helps us live. What about the other things that make us hungry? We crave things beyond just food be it love, connection, sleep, wisdom or meaning. What are the other yearnings that inspire us and plague us?

Yearnings:The two of us, a rabbi and a psychologist, started to wonder about this broader issue of what are we yearning for. The research has pointed out that many of us identify as spiritual but not religious. Many are disappointed in the offerings of traditional religious practice. Many of us are seekers who do not yet know what we are seeking. What do we yearn for? How might Jewish professionals and innovators respond to the needs and hungers of those who are dissatisfied with our traditional offerings?

Read the full piece here.

What can we do to prepare our children to defend themselves and stand proud in the face of the vicious Jew-hatred and anti-Zionism that is infiltrating every aspect of Jewish life? asks Masha Merkulova, founder of Club Z,inan opinion piece foreJewishPhilanthropy.

What weve been doing:For the past 20 years, Jewish education was hyper-focused on teachingtzedakahandtikkun olam. The rare attempts to educate and prepare students for campus were made through a one-time workshop or speaker. Why then, are we surprised when Jewish kids start or join anti-Israel groups?

Our responsibility:Would you allow your child to sit for an AP calculus exam without taking the course? Would you allow them to perform in a school play without attending any rehearsals? Of course not. We want our kids to succeed, and it is our responsibility to ensure that they are set up to do just that.

Lack of preparation:If that is the case, why are Jewish parents sending their children off to hostile environments U.S. colleges and universities without any preparation? Without giving them the knowledge and confidence to withstand the onslaught of antisemitism they will encounter?

Read the full piece here.

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Your Daily Phil: GatherDC expands to West Coast + Nourishment for the Jewish soul - eJewish Philanthropy

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