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Israel-Morocco relations are warming from the bottom up – The Jerusalem Post

| April 17, 2020

Israel has been hoping to warm its relations with the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region for years, although such relations have not developed even with countries with which Israel has signed peace agreements. This may indicate the need for a different approach, one that begins internally within the Israeli society and that follows the long trail of its roots in the region. Such an approach could serve as a compass that can direct us to where prosperous models of civic ties used to be or can be found today

The Market in Larimer Square has closed after 42 years – BusinessDen

| April 17, 2020

Lily O'Neill April 15, 2020 2 After 37 years, owner Mark Greenberg (left) has decided to close down The Market in Larimer Square.

Coronavirus: Avoiding the much larger crisis; COVID-19 testing at nursing homes is expanding but more is ne –

| April 17, 2020

While Massachusetts is expanding coronavirus testing across nursing homes and other long-term care facilities, some operators and health care advocates say persistent gaps could lead to more cases and deaths among some of the states most vulnerable residents. The numbers are sobering

4 Changes That Were Made in the Bitul of Chometz – Yeshiva World News

| April 17, 2020

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times We say this Aramaic text just before Pesach every year. We recite it once in the evening and again in the morning. What is behind the wording of Bitul Chometz

This Man Who Died in an Insane Asylum Is Why We Wash Our Hands – The Daily Beast

| April 17, 2020

One of the front-line defenses individuals have against the spread of the coronavirus can feel decidedly low-tech:hand-washing. In fact, it was 19th-century Hungarian physician Ignaz Semmelweis who, after observational studies, first advanced the idea of hand hygiene in medical settings.

Now is the perfect time for the global Jewish community to retool itself – The Jewish News of Northern California

| April 17, 2020

The coronavirus has created global havoc, uncertainty and dread.

Sephardi | people | Britannica

| April 17, 2020

Sephardi, also spelled Sefardi, plural Sephardim or Sefardim, from Hebrew Sefarad (Spain), member or descendant of the Jews who lived in Spain and Portugal from at least the later centuries of the Roman Empire until their persecution and mass expulsion from those countries in the last decades of the 15th century. Read More on This Topic Judaism: Sephardic developments In Muslim Spain, Jews frequently served the government in official capacities and, therefore, not only took an active interest in political The Sephardim initially fled to North Africa and other parts of the Ottoman Empire, and many of these eventually settled in such countries as France, Holland, England, Italy, and the Balkans. Salonika (Thessalonki) in Macedonia and the city of Amsterdam became major sites of Sephardic settlement.

Why is this Haggadah different from all others? – The Economist

| April 17, 2020

The latest chapter in the story of an extraordinary Passover book WHY, JEWISH children asked at the Passover meal last week, is this night different from all others? The question is stipulated in the Haggadah, a ritual book that recounts the Israelites escape from bondage in Egypt

Rabbi Sholom Eidelman, 84, Served Moroccan Jewry for More Than 60 Years – Devoted educator was among the longest-serving Chabad emissaries in the…

| April 17, 2020

Rabbi Sholom Eidelman, one of the longest-serving Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries in the worlda devoted Chassid, teacher and congregational leader who along with his wife, Gittel, rarely left the North African nation of Morocco since being dispatched there in 1958passed away in a hospital in Casablanca on April 10, the second day of Passover, after contracting COVID-19. He was 84 years old.

What To Expect When You’re Expecting A Baby At The Epicenter Of A Plague – BuzzFeed News

| April 17, 2020

The journalists at BuzzFeed News are proud to bring you trustworthy and relevant reporting about the coronavirus.

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