Opinion | July 13: Thanks, Rabbi Baskin, stop Hwy. 413, use the schools and other letters – Hamilton Spectator

Posted By on July 14, 2022

Stop Hwy. 413

Since the provincial election Ive had many moments of anger, distress and depression, knowing that a minority of a pitifully small voter turnout re-elected a destructive government. However, I find that the matter that keeps returning to bother me the most is that of the proposed Highway 413. We dont need this road! It will cost taxpayers probably $10 billion yes, billion. It will pave over much of our precious Greenbelt. It will increase CO2 emissions and endanger wildlife, including many already threatened species. It will not help me or anyone I know, but the land developers will be happy.

Ford consulted experts about this and was told it was a bad idea, but for some reason he wants to build the highway anyway. We have to convince him otherwise. That money should go to enhancing public transit, increasing and protecting greenspaces, supporting electric vehicles, making cities livable. This province should be leading the way with saving the environment, saving the lives of people, wildlife, and trees, saving the planet! I dont want to be ashamed of the place I live. I urge all citizens to contact their MPPs, the ministers of environment, agriculture and transportation, and the premier, and tell them this highway must not happen.

Beverly Shepard, Flamborough

Thanks, Rabbi

I want to thank the Spec, Steve Paikin and especially Rabbi Baskin for the excellent article on the new commandments. This should be read by everyone everywhere because it speaks to humanity as a collective whole. The rabbi asks us to consider vital behaviours and attitudes that would greatly improve life on this planet, but sadly the masses seem to have forgotten or refused to entertain these and replaced them with an array of hedonistic and self serving mind sets. Lets face it, the majority of people appear to have lost their spirituality (not religion) and any sense of humanity/community choosing to run on autopilot while refusing to consider other views that might prove beneficial to more individuals. Thank you again Rabbi Baskin, we need more articles like this. This will be a keeper in our house.

Robert Panchyson, Burlington

Bikes and stop signs

When was the last time you saw a cyclist actually stop at a stop sign? Just asking.

Another sad day

I feel bad for the dead cyclist. I feel bad for his family. I feel bad for the person who killed him. It will be a heavy burden.

In a city that is criss-crossed with multi-lane highways east, west, north, south along with synchronized traffic lights, drivers find even the slightest inconvenience maddening. The Linc, for example, has no pedestrian safety when crossing at the on- and off-ramps. People are accelerating to 90 km/h at the crosswalk with no signals. People exiting the Linc are looking left for on coming traffic and not right for pedestrians and cyclists. I ride my bike in the city. Ive experienced the distracted motorist. Ive experienced the angry motorist. Ive experienced the motorist whos in a hurry. Now Ive experienced my daughter wondering if it was me who got killed today. Theres only losers when cars and trucks make contact with pedestrians and cyclists. Its another sad day.

Rethink NATO

So Martin Regg Cohn thinks Commonwealth is an anachronism (July 6), and our prime minister is wasting his time and our money going to its meetings. But NATO (and the G7 and Summit of the Americas) meetings are just fine. Obviously, we need NATO for our defence against the Russian menace, the North Atlantic pond being between us and them. But now were looking at eastern Europe, Ukraine and with Turkey getting in on the act, western Asia. Could we be looking at the wrong map? Russias a lot closer across the Arctic Ocean. We could use a better Arctic defence. Drop the N. Lets have an ATO! Or at least, a real coast guard.

Use the schools

I understand there is no easy solution for tent cities. But when I read we have up to 17 empty schools in the public school board, it makes me wonder how hard our politicians racked their brains to find housing for these poor homeless people. Surely, trustees read the newspaper and drive our city streets to be aware of the unbelievable condition of these tent cities. What an embarrassment not to be able to help our most vulnerable when the opportunity was just around the corner.

See the original post:

Opinion | July 13: Thanks, Rabbi Baskin, stop Hwy. 413, use the schools and other letters - Hamilton Spectator

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