Outstanding speakers to inspire our teachers – Australian Jewish News

Posted By on August 10, 2022

A range of international guests are set to present at the Zionist Federation of Australia (ZFA)s Jewish Educators Conference next weekend.

The 12th iteration of the biennial event it was not held in 2020 due to COVID will take place on August 14 and 15 at Mount Scopus Memorial College.

The purpose of the conference is to provide professional development to Jewish educators from around Australia, as well as the opportunity to exchange ideas with their peers. More than 50 presenters will participate across 78 sessions.

The keynote address for the opening of the conference will be a conversation between Dr Alex Pomson, who has published numerous articles and books in many areas of Jewish education, and ZFA president Jeremy Leibler on the topic Jewish day school education: reasons for optimism or pessimism?

Alex Pomson will present at the ZFA Jewish Educators Conference.

Other educators from Israel and the USA include Beit Midrash Program director Wendy Amsellem, chief Hebrew advocacy officer at Hebrew at the Centre Tal Gale, director of education at the Lookstein Centre for Jewish Education Rabbi Zvi Grumet, founder of the Space Torah Project Rachel Raz and executive vice-president of OpenDoor Media Noam Weissman.

ZFA education chair, interim CEO and conference coordinator Miriam Munz said, We are so delighted with how this wonderful program has come together this year.

She said despite initial concerns COVID might keep people away, there has been an increase in the number of registered participants. 360 are so far set to attend.

I would imagine this is largely due to a real thirst for professional development, and for the kind of collaboration that takes place between educators when they come face-to-face, which cannot be replicated in an online forum, she said.

Additionally, we are excited by the quality of international and Australian speakers all of whom are outstanding in their own fields and who are bringing a real depth of knowledge and practical experience to this event.

She added, The Educators Conference is a wonderful opportunity for people working in Jewish and supplementary schools across Australia to network, to exchange ideas, and to feel a part of a greater whole to be invigorated with new energy and new ideas.

The Conference will have six or seven presentations in parallel across the eight streams of Hebrew language, early childhood, Jewish history, text study, advocacy, Israel studies, informal education and general over six hours each day.

The ZFA Educators Conference will take place on August 14-15 in Melbourne. More info: educatorsconference@zfa.com.au

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Outstanding speakers to inspire our teachers - Australian Jewish News

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