Hasidic development allowed to continue, says state court

Posted By on August 31, 2014

Published: 11:00 AM - 08/27/14 Last updated: 11:05 AM - 08/27/14

BLOOMINGBURG - In at least a temporary victory for developer Shalom Lamm, the state Appellate Court has ruled that construction of his 396-home Hasidic development can proceed, without restrictions from the Village of Bloomingburg or the Town of Mamakating.

Last weeks ruling essentially upholds the stay of the July decision of Sullivan County Supreme Court Judge Stephen Schick that said the 2006 annexation of land from Mamakating into Bloomingburg was illegal, but that construction would not stop. Schick then said it was up to Mamakating decide what it now does with the territory under its jurisdiction including refusing to enforce legislation it believes to be invalid.

The Aug. 21 Appellate Court decision - in response to an appeal from Lamm - said that Mamakating is enjoined from exercising municipal jurisdiction over the Village at Chestnut Ridge project site ... and that Bloomingburg is enjoined from denying or refusing to consider applications for the issuance of building permits or certificates of occupancy.

The ruling stands until a final decision of Lamms appeal.

-- Steve Israel

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Hasidic development allowed to continue, says state court

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