Hasidic Thoughts, feelings and poetry and other stuff, all …

Posted By on June 8, 2017

God tells Moses: Speak unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, and say unto them, Ye shall be holy: for I the Lord your God am holy. (Leviticus 19:2) This verse clearly sounds like a command; but some leading scholars believe that it is not a commandment for itself. It is, rather, the mission statement of the Jewish faith.

Before we examine this verse lets read the Midrash: Continue reading As Holy asGod?

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Through the forest of doubt

The path to clarity is paved

The darkness of confusion

Ignites the torch of wisdom Continue reading The Labor ofThought

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Robots and angels dont err, they can live for a thousand years without making a single mistake. Human beings, however, sin and fail and make lots and lots of stupid decisions; individually and communally. There is, however, an obvious distinction between mistakes committed by individuals and sins perpetrated by a collaboration of many people. Current day Germany is a perfect example. Continue reading The Golden Calf. Why not alion?

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Hi there!

I took some off time, because I needed [and still need] a break. Taking an occasional break is crucial for me, it gives me time to recharge which in-turn keeps blogging exciting. When taking off I expect less traffic so wont check my stats and notificationsdaily [read: hourly] as I usually do. I try toget myself interested in something other than blogging, like reading and looking for other things to do.

Continue reading Sunshine Blogger Award

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My feelings when around people [especially public gatherings and ceremonies]

I reside with others, but live alone

I walk with others, but dance alone

I converse with others, but talk to myself Continue reading Loneliness

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Parenting is complicated, to say the least. Its the lesson we learnt in adolescence; when our parents were selfish, paranoid, control-freaks. It was then, when we swore by our conscience that we will give our children all the space and independence in the world and God forbid not perpetuate the closed parenting we inherited. Continue reading My little War ofIndependence

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When I was young I had a dream

In the dream I had wings,

Iflewlike an eagle

Taller than mountains, vaster than sea

Overfields of never ending green

Rivers and rain forest and deserts

Animals and beasts and fish

People of white brown and olive Continue reading Flying and Falling

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Poetry. Is writing for creative, lazy people.

Its audience is the bored, even lazier people.

I can elaborate, but it wont sound as poetic


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Maimonides. Its hard to finish the sentence. No praise can do justice and no words can encapsulate the magnificence of this brilliant light, eternal fountain of wisdom, and bright star in the skies of our history. He was a physician by profession, a philosopher by nature, and by heart, a teacherand student of Jewish Law. I wont tire myself and try to write a short bio, thats what Wikipedia is for. (Obviously, expect some inaccurate information and flawed judgement there, as you shall always.)

Anyway, in his theological defense of rationalism titled Guide for the Perplexed, Continue reading Is there room forme?

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There seems to be an unspoken objective in the world of social media, and that is to gain as many followers or friends as possible. To the blogger, or any artist for that matter, a new follow is not only a validation of his skills, it is a legitimization of the feelings that he is attempting to convey. Moreover, it isthesense of approval that motivates the poet to sing, the writer to write, the musician to playand in our case the blogger to blog.

Continue reading Followers?

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The rest is here:

Hasidic Thoughts, feelings and poetry and other stuff, all ...

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